
Real Name
Ian Canfield
Just here to learn and maybe have a few interesting conversations.
Favorite Food
Favorite Beverage with Fiery Food
White Russian
Chili... Beans or No Beans?
Favorite Hot Pepper
Ghost Pepper
Favorite Hot Sauce
Favorite BBQ Sauce
Favorite BBQ Food
Chicken Thighs
Share a Recipe
This is my Shnitzel Bread Crumb Recipe:<br /><br />1 1/2 TBS of each of the following:<br />Smoked Paprika, Spicy Morrocan Paprika, Sweet Paprika, White Pepper, Salt<br />3 TBS Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Cumin<br />2 TBS Chipotle, Cayenne Pepper, Oregano<br />1 TBS Basil, Thyme, Parsley<br />5-6 TBS Sesame Seeds<br /><br />Mix into approximately 500 ml cup of bread crumbs and shake around very well.<br /><br />When making the schnitzel, prepare it as following:<br /><br />1. Get 2 plates and a plastic bag.<br />2. Put some flour into the bag and put the bread crumbs and whisked eggs onto seperate plates (or bowls).<br />3. Put the chicken into the flour. It helps make it crispier.<br />4. Dip it thoroughly in the eggs. Add about a tablespoon of water into the eggs to help it coat the chicken more evenly.<br />5. Then dip it in the bread crumbs.<br />6. Shallow fry it in oil at medium heat. I like canola and sunflower oil the best.<br />7. Put it on like a grill grate or something similar to let the oil drip off.<br /><br />I also recommend putting a rub or something onto the meat before breading it. I like to put on cumin, onion powder, and sweet paprika with a little bit of salt.
Grow List
Ghost Peppers and soon Fatali, a habanero mix, Carolina Reapers, and Red Savinas. I may also try another super hot if anyone has recommendations. Also, I'd like to try some that aren't as superhot. Maybe some wild strains.
One time in 5th grade, I won first place in the school science fair and was going to go to county... But, I withdrew for personal reasons.