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  • Another day in Paradise, high 70s low mid 90s high 80%+ humidity and it only gets worse in September!
    Its so damn hot and sticky here my day job leaves me so drained its a fight to spend another 2 hours keeping up with the garden.....
    So after 30+ inches of rain last month and a ton so fat this month I have 20 Brainstrains and Barrocks that may not make it. The flooding was inches away from them the ground was just saturated. Their leaves are falling off and it does not look good.....=(
    Jamie I don't have either of those a few of each would be killer, did you see the pic I post of the monster yellow 7s I grew from your seeds? I am saving the seeds from the biggest pods just to see if they can be replicated. I do have 50 or so Brains that popped awhile back so if these plants don't come back their babies are already growing up. Quee I don't think a sump pump would work here in the swamp, my neighbor had his 4 inch pump running for several days and it couldn...
    "t keep up I dug a trench to our canal but I was a day late and a dollar short=(
    I have full leaves dropping on a quarter of my plants from the excessive rain last week, too =(
    Just ordered a Taurus 738 TCP, should be a fun plinker
    Love my judge, but a PITA when you have to send it to Florida for repairs.
    I live in Florida, 90 miles North of Miami....
    What a wonderfull 2 days, spent time with my Brother and his family, my Dad and Step Mum, and my kids at Disney....
    Aphids nocked the shit out of several plants just got a gallon of Neem Oil the war ON!!!
    Good luck Rod. They are some sneaky basturds!!!!
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    i still don't have the neem formula down. i always cook my plants with it.
    I use 1 TBSP per gallon of water and the same amount of dog tick and flea shampoo though the last treatment I upped the Neem by 2 TBSP in a four gallon mix, yes Jamie they are sneaky TURDS!!!!
    Happy Easter!!!!
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    follow that up with April Fools, tomorrow. Should be an extra long weekend with all this excitement!
    You too Rod. Hop skip and jump:)
    Major Aphid outbreak here in FL!!!!
    Personally I have used azamax, spray once and i never see them again in my season (some have it not work) maybe they just don't like the pig pen i live in and are scared.
    I've found that where you get the ladybugs from makes a huge difference. First time I got them, I might as well have tossed them. They'd just walk right over the aphids. The ones I got from the link above, though, devoured the aphids in no time.
    Had some ladybugs on the Brains and Barrocks no aphids there these showed up on the patio, I hit em with Cedar oil and dog shampoo, problem is I didn't spot em in time. Its tough to be thorough with 300+ plants 40 or so have suffered, after 3 treatments including tonight I got em under control. Lost the tops of about 10 plants, heh it happens......
    Got my new dehydrator in such a deal 25 bucks for 500 watt that I can use my old trays with as well!
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    bet you gunna have sum fun! gotta do the jerky thing at least once or many.
    I LOVE JERKY!!!!!
    Spicy jerky is my downfall:)
    Well my New Year starts like crap, my shop is closing down, we are into our 3rd year of recovery, I DON'T SEE IT!!!
    Sorry to hear that. Did they recover only to sell?
    No I was just referring to the US economy in general, lots of independent businesses are having a tough time ours is just one of thousands.
    Sorry to hear that man. Best of luck on your future endeavors. Hard times abound.
    4 of us took the pepper challenge 2 survived! 2 ate the Butch T, 2 ate the MORUGA!!! I survived a full blown Moruga my mouth is still NUMB!!!
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