He's calling the shots, Scovie. Like it or not, it's true. All of this shutdown nonsense and everything because the Republicans wanted to delay Obamacare for 1 year. Park rangers are speaking out. They're saying that they've been told to make it as difficult on people as possible..... they wanna make sure they hurt the people..... so yes, he is taking his anger out on the American people. It's childish... so he's the man-child
Same here. But that article seemed to be a repost because I found it on several other sites as well, in almost the same form, and all of the same wording. I didn't find a date or time to see who actually posted it first.
Here's the rub.... it's not really "closed", per se.... you're just banned from it. They say it's closed due to the shutdown, but they're going to be paying rangers to patrol the bay to enforce the ban. The people are the target.
Yes, Alex Jones is the king of douches. The thing that his followers don't get is that it's all an act. He gets all belligerent and angry, and you can tell it's phony when you watch him, and they all flock to him. Dude!!!! He's using you to make a buck! That's why I quit listening to talk radio too. It's all schtick. I don't watch the news, because it's all about ratings.... truth be damned. Except MSNBC... they're not about ratings, obv...
If the POS really wanted to shut down things, why shut down the National Parks service, their 3 billion dollar a year budget is small potatoes compared to some of the ridiculous spending going on... like 1,000 prisoners in Pennsylvania collected weekly unemployment benefits over a four-month period, costing taxpayers $7 million, or $2.6 million to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly or how about the $27 million for training Moroccans to create and design pottery to s...
Because they've been trained to fight and blame each others' political parties. They're too busy fighting amongst themselves to focus on where the real problem is. And that's by design.
And it serves its purpose to take your attention from Fast and furious, Benghazi, the IRS, nations state of economy obama cares failure to launch and how many other issues at large. everyone is now talking about one thing, period