If I let mine go that long, they would be mush. I cooked them the first 2.5 hours wrapped in foil, then unwrap and start adding sauce. I cook them unwrapped until they pass the bend test. They should still have a little pull to them. If you can pull the bones out with no resistance, they're overdone, IMO.
absolutely... low and slow. These have been pegged at 200° F all afternoon. Temperature dipped a couple of times before I added coals. Just pulled them off of the smoker. Time to let them rest. I've heard amazing things about those green eggs, BTW. Nothing better for holding temps steady.
Same here..... but I think I've made my offset Char-Griller handle business just fine. Just gotta check the coals often! I swear, I keep wanting to try 3-2-1 method for ribs, but they would never survive it! How do you cook them that long and not have them fall apart??