Not sure if you wanna meet one of them. She claims to be a psychic and yet she can't read people she's close to or knows personally, only strangers & acquaintences, and she also obsesses about guys (read: cries & goes on 45 minute diatribes about why they won't talk to her)
As for the other (the one my psychic friend had the intuition about), she's totally cool, and we get along like peanut butter and jelly, and I've known her for going on 14 years now. The other one (the spychic), I've only known for 8...
If she's,somehow,a psychic, don't let her read sicman. There where some incidents/thoughts from him on a lounge form involving a hippopotamus, if I remember correctly.
I tolerated it more than anything, but it caused several, um, "interesting" conversations she had, where she'd blurt out stuff people around her were claiming to think