Don't worry, I'll be taking plenty of pictures. Today, I marked out the plant placement in the first row. I'm deliberately putting the plants close together (12" apart), so it will force them to dig their roots deeper instead of more spread out, as well as combining it with a watering schedule of less frequent but longer times (1-2 times per week for 4-6 hours, instead of 3x a week for 3 hours)
lol ya cant have it all, but the plants will be there soon enough, soon as you give up and turn your back on the seeds, you will have more plants then you know what to do with lol
Knowing the way my luck runs, that'll be the case. Right now though, I'm debating whether to buy worm tea concentrate, or buy it already diluted, considering I'll be using it in a 50/50 mix with my fish/seaweed fret, which will then be diluted to 1% by my feet injector
lol thats my luck as well. as for the worm tea, i cant help you there. i dont use any of that stuff, i just have some miracle grow ferts my parents bought last year or so. if it wasnt for that id probably not be using any at all lol