you know i looked at his facility on google maps. if i was looking at the right one its only 98 feet by 229 feet, where the peppers are growing. not very big for the worlds largest!
lol Magic, u cant be called "largest" or even "large" when all u have is few pots and plants are crammed in few rows
"large" means field, tractors, acres, and processing facility more than a 20 feet shed.
oh and more than just u and ur self running the corporate
lol i know that, but apparently dale doesnt. if i followed his business plan i could be the worlds largest with my 20 plants i have 14 in pots and 6 in ground. that almost qualifies me for worlds largest bahahaha oh wait i dont have a shed though shoot! going to have to borrow money so i can rent a shed and not pay back that money.
And if that were the case, when i get my tilled garden going, I could potentially be called the "world's largest" (have to throw in the quotation marks)
this is true! well my entire property is 100 feet wide, by 300 feet long, and my house only takes up 50 feet by 25 feet. so if i got rid of all my trees, drive way and tilled the whole property i could have the same size area as dale lol. but my plan is to move out west after my dad passes away and buy 4 or 5 acres and build greenhouses on it to grow my plants all year
the EGO done got trimmed to fit the pot size used in growing chocolate reaper. so the largest grower/1000s of Boxes myth/legend done vanished along other sexy names like certificated, registered,...ed...ed..ed 3rd generation.... which we dont see in recent adds, unless they are coming back in new look such as "my lawyer said" outfit
it is sad, judy we know your not joking lol
im sure he only got rid of it all to make it look good for his state appointed lawyer. once all this crap with the loan blows over i am sure he will be boasting and bragging about 3rd gen and registered and chocolate reapers, but we most likely wont see him on here any more either. cant wait for that day.
Well, what he did was, remove the entire Reviews section from his FB page, meaning nobody can see his reviews (except the person who posted it on their own FB page), and nobody can leave reviews for him anymore. As I said, it's a rather "scorched earth" approach to making sure nobody on there knows how much he sucks as a human being.
He also put his "Posts from others" section fairly far down the page, and so small, it's almost a case of "blink and you'll miss it", so only his own posts show up prominently
oh wow, what a sketchy f**king guy eh, if he has to hide that much then there is some huge issue's going on.i wonder if he gets repeat customers, i mean more then once or twice coming back. cause he does something right every once in a while i think.