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  • I thought my chiltepin plant was dying, but there are definitely new pods today!
    @Wicked Mike, yep! :)

    @filmost, I thought it was dying because the leaves were turning a mottled black. It was spreading very fast on contact, so much so that it was impossible to keep up with by the time I noticed it. I, kind of, gave up and isolated it. Largely ignored it to be honest. When I finally bothered to look at it, I noticed quite a few pods forming and new growth coming in.
    Wicked Mike
    Wicked Mike
    Does the black stuff come off the leaf if you rub it? Could be mildew.
    No, it doesn't come off when rubbed. It was more like the leaves were changing color rather than something growing on the leaf. Here's a photo from my phone:
    Seeings buds on some anuums! What a pleasant surprise. I didn't know annums are so quick to flower.
    Nice! I'm sure they'll catch up. I only started the seeds in last week of June, and some early July. I wasn't really thinking I'd get anything until maybe September.
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    bulgarian carrot is the fastest i have grown to set fruit.
    I sewed seeds in late May for some jalopeños and habaneros. They are practically crawling in the poor soil and +100 degree weather.
    Lost a seedling or two today to the extreme heat and not enough water. Hopefully it's twin will pop for me :(
    I have gone insane. What am I going to do with all these seedlings!?!
    Buy lighting and knock down walls!
    Haha, I counted over 20 seedlings in solo cups outside right now with still over 20 in tupperware for germination... What is a scrog??
    Plant them. ..
    My choc hab sprouted today! :D
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Lucky! I couldn't get one to pop this year. I may have an OW growing, though. Due to bad labeling, I'm going to have to wait for some pods to ripen to know for sure.
    Haha, it's only my second one that's sprouted, and I've never grown from seed before, so we'll see if it lives! And I was a bad labeler too. I wrote everything down, then the wind blew it away, lol. So other than the 4 or 5 which had already sprouted and been labeled, all the other seeds in my tupperware are now unknown.
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