The Hot Pepper

are you a professional welder?
moruga welder
moruga welder
i guess you can say that ,been in the field for 30 years . was certified weld inspector/supervisor for about 8 years then went back to the floor too political in management
oh man very cool.

i was thinking of taking a welding course at this local vocational school... id like to learn legit tig, and my old as shit econotig miller machine is just awful... what do you think?
moruga welder
moruga welder
most of our fig is gone to the wayside except in aluminum shop , were doing short arc and pulse . brand spanking new millers . 9,000 a piece ! can plug computer into them and tell how many inches/ feet of wire was used in any time frame etc . wow how far we've came since good ol' stick days ! i'd say go for it ! high demand for welders everywhere ! pay is really good , pipe fitters great job . it goes on .