Well, you'd have to all be in tune with each other, not just the rhythm player. I am talking tuning between standard notes (ie: say you're in drop B, but you tune each of your strings up 40 cents). A few examples would be how Machine Head tunes or how Metallica's Ride The Lightning is tuned just a little sharp or how a lot of Pantera songs were tuned 1/4 step down.
lol tuning by ear isn't a pain a truly "lead player" doesn't need to be tuned to the rhythm player unless they're both playing rhythm parts. Tuning in drop B is crazy talk, do people do that? lol. Just tune the whole guitar down 2.5 steps if you're gonna do something ridiculous like that
Helvete, please quit trolling on my post. And yes, instruments DO need to be in tune with one another. That doesn't mean open strings all have to be the exact same notes, but they have to be in tune. If you tune to standard (for arguments sake) and the other instruments tune to standard, but are all flat by 1/4 step, then you will be out of tune. And drop B or even A or lower has it's place. And yes, tuning by ear to some obscure tuning IS a pain. Hard? Not really, but it is more of a...