Dot Com Jun 15, 2015 sun came back after a brief but intense rain ystrdy. My plants are lovin the sunshine now
Dot Com Oct 14, 2013 Sun came out today. Wasn't sure if it ever would & then my outside plants would eventually succumb. Still got some time 'til that occurrs I guess (fingers crossed)
Sun came out today. Wasn't sure if it ever would & then my outside plants would eventually succumb. Still got some time 'til that occurrs I guess (fingers crossed)
Dot Com Jun 14, 2013 bad weather went by ystrdy: <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> Put the plants back out at night after it passed.
bad weather went by ystrdy: <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a> Put the plants back out at night after it passed.
Dot Com Apr 30, 2013 cloudy/misty for two days now although looks like the cold mornings may have passed for the season (finger's crossed)
cloudy/misty for two days now although looks like the cold mornings may have passed for the season (finger's crossed)
Dot Com Mar 9, 2013 55 degrees F here and fair (fingers crossed) Incidentally I had a Guwahati seed pop today as well. Coincidence?
55 degrees F here and fair (fingers crossed) Incidentally I had a Guwahati seed pop today as well. Coincidence?
Dot Com Feb 8, 2012 only 42 more days til Spring Don't get me wrong. i like all the seasons but Winter aint too kind to chili plants
only 42 more days til Spring Don't get me wrong. i like all the seasons but Winter aint too kind to chili plants
pileiton Jan 27, 2012 Happy Birthday 1 day early. After tonight I might be passed out all day tomorrow!