The Hot Pepper

Awesome! How about Poison Hemlock, Monkshood, Mandrake (Old World/European as opposed to 'wild' Mandrake aka 'Mayapple') or Henbane!? Check out the fun little book called 'Wicked Plants' by Amy Stewart (if you haven't already.) There's a small old church nearby that has the most beautiful golden yellow Brugmansia trees in the front. Stunning hanging trumpet flowers! Found I had this bookmarked: Good luck...
water hemlock and Northern monkshood grow wild here, I already have two species of Mandragora in my grow and henbane (H. niger) is a permanent in my grow. Some of the others include Datura stramonium, Datura inoxia, Datura fastuosa, Atropa belladonna, Mandragora oficinarum, Mandragora autumnalis, Scopolia carniolica, Ricinus communis (probably won't do well at all in AK), Artemesia vulgaris, Artemesia absinthium, Solanum dulcamara, Solanum atropurpureum, Digitalis spp. and a few others.
Chile Juju
Chile Juju
Wild Monkshood and Henbane here...but I have a passion for Digitalis. What do you two do with these beauties?