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  • So Pex was trying to find someone to buy his business on FB last night. I wonder what he is going to do now if he does sell. Maybe grow pot in CO?
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    It would be cool if Luckydog and Salsalady would lend some ideas. Love his stuff.
    I am tired of the responsibility.
    maybe he can do like that one guy and train his bees to only make honey from canna
    I think this might be the only place in the interwebz where is completely normal to have a thread titled GOAT POOP on the New Content page.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    It would also be normal on a goat forum, and a poop forum.
    there was a recent bat poop page too!
    Yea, why does my Fresh Bat Poop not get any love? I guess goats are more sympathetic critters...
    So now in the past six months I bought the handgun I wanted, the BGE, and now the new truck. I am beginning to think the boss' kitchen is going the way of the UDS, or was that IDS I forget. I miss Pippy. And I want my massage dammit!
    So are you saying boss' kitchen is going the way of IDK?
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Jay is a figment of my imagination.
    Scovie, wtf is Canada thinking turning down all this offered help with the wildfires??? Eh.
    My guess is that they are at max capacity. Every fire that makes the news gets flooded with help and some are turned away. Access, Food and Fuel, are very important things especially in rural areas. If they are low on any of those three than it's not safe.
    Every fire we have had, the Aussies and New Zealanders are here, mainly because they bring their own fuel and food. As long as we have safe access.
    Mother's Day dinner in the oven for my sweetie. Time to fire up the Egg. I feel like cooking a ham and some sausage 'cause, well just 'cause!
    Holy crap I just saw that over 10,000 of my posts have been liked. That has to be more than my whole life IRL. You people are too kind. Thanks Scovie for padding my stats.
    I disliked each of your posts but that is just me
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    But with almost 19,000 posts I guess that means almost 1/2 of the things you typed were not liked...
    So I have 12k posts and 19k likes - damn stalkers! Speaking of the like whore, where is OLD SALTY!
    I claimed one (I hope)
    Nice Avytare Jay. LOLOL No comment. hahaha
    I hope you get it. The Jonah Puree is all you, bud.
    Well, the other morning I got as far as going to the store. The things I wanted to buy they did not have ie beef ribs, leg of lamb, so I went home and raided my freezer. I ended up taking out a pork tenderloin, a pack of brats, and a bag of chicken thighs. They thawed yesterday while I worked and will meet the smoke today sometime.
    I got the cleanest meanest penis. Ya never seen this stroke of genius.
    so take off yo tim boots and yo body suit
    whoa dad... charcoal in the chimney starter go!
    BGE is pizza is happening. Only one dough so I hope I don't screw it up.
    I'm going simple this first time. I am a little concerned though because it fermented like five and a half days. We'll see how it reacts to the high heat. I am just waiting for the Egg to come up to temp. The pizza is ready to go.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Amoeba time!
    Just found out I have to pay all my dr. bills myself and then get reimbursed by the HRA. Apparently I didn't pay attention to how this thing works. My employer puts up $1500 a year towards any medical stuff, but you have to pay it first then they reimburse you. Good thing I already bought the egg, didn't see this one coming. Oh well, more overtime it is!
    If they have an HSA option (for healthcare spending account) as well as the HRA (for healthcare reimbursement account), it's easier to use the HSA as you get a debit-type of card instead. That would be a good option for next year. In the meantime, if you have a credit card, pay the doc with the card then pay off the card when the HRA pays. Yeah, but that sucks if you don't have a card to use. Hopefully that or OT will help.
    $1,500 a year??? I could use that up in 20 minutes. Eat right and exercise. Do your best to stay healthy... it gets expensive fast.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    What Phil said: Ditto and damn.
    Wings on my BGE tonight for the big game. God, I have waited so long to say that!!!! Go Heels!
    Wings look great! Heels won me my bracket challenge! Picked them to win...nobody has anyone else in the final!
    That feeling when you realize your grill is now worth more than your truck...
    That's a good feeling to have in my opinion.
    Those Amish buggies aren't getting that much on eBay or Craigslist.
    Sam, I have a drum set worth more than any vehicle I have ever owned. It is a limited addition Ludwig "Ghost" set that was owned by my uncle and his uncle before him. It is from the 50's. I had it appraised once at 25K and that was probably 15-20 years ago.
    This just in,Spring is here and within a week or so the Big Green Egg will be too. Get that massage oil ready Pookster.
    So three twelve hour nights in, feeling a little sore and a lot tired, but I am good. Feels good to be back to normal. May my liver forgive me for all the abuse and never scare me like that again!
    Wow brother i was taking them pretty heavy for pain as well Doc told me to knock it off. sucks dealing with pain
    If your back hurts, place your thumb on an anvil. Take a hammer and hit your thumb as hard as you can. No more back pain. haha
    haha pain deferment through pain relocation!!
    Two nights back and I am doing fine. A little sore as I have not been on my feet in steel toes on concrete for a while, but it feels good to be back. Making it better was the amount of people telling me they are happy to have me back. Even better than that, I finally got the phoane call yesterday that my s/t disability claim was approved and they are sending me all my back pay.
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