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  • Bad news today, back is not improved enough to go back to work, physical therapy starts on Tuesday.
    Update: was supposed to go back to work tonight, had all my ducks in a row and then woke up to a downturn today. I was feeling much better yesterday, then things took a turn for the worse and I am hurting as bad as ever. Next appointment is Friday morning. Please make this pain go away so I can get back to my life!
    Damn JayT i'm so sorry to hear your still hurting Brother. I've been in your shoes recently and nothing worse then wanting to get going and your body says NO. Just don't push it brother your body will be ready when it's ready. Ive reinjured myself many times trying to start up to soon. So get some rest and get better my friend. If i could id take some of that pain for you brother. I'm really good at it :)
    Feel better Jay
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    How you feel today?
    Looks like I will be around a bit more for a little while. I had to go home early yesterday from severe back pain that I had been tolerating since last weekend, but escalated to the point that I could not take it anymore. Dr's appointment tomorrow and I'm out on FMLA from work until the issue is resolved. On the brightside it will give me lots of time to try my new sauces and such from Bowers.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Heal up J!
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Most of the people at pain management are there for back pain. If it turns out chronic, please seek alternative to the medications. They really suck. Much well wishes to you sir.
    thanks guys, dr is optomistic that what I have been doing, heat, ibuprophen, stretching, will wor. He gave me a script for flexoral and said I should be good by the weekend when I have to go to work.
    I have a shit-ton (official SoFlo measurement) of pics to post, but I just don't have the time tonight. I have been cooking and eating up a storm. Preview, pork belly bahn mi, crawfish etoufee' over blackened catfish, and more. I'll post soon as I get a day off.
    I am not one to get weirded out very easily, but I saw this thing on fb today about some crazy rare disease which causes all the horrible holes all over your body. It gave me the creeps.
    I am not even going to check that out, but yes, that is exactly the stuff I saw and it is STILL stuck in my head.
    I special ordered some to take a few inches off my schlong. Damn thing is massive.
    Ryme hahaha so sorry brother.
    I have the whole weekend off and I am home. First time in a while. What to do???
    Chile Juju
    Chile Juju
    G'Night Sweets!
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    get drunk and take apart an UZI?
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    nono wait. have some tequila and assemble a nuclear device from kitchen components. That's always a good weekend.
    I have been working every DAMN day since my mini vaycay. I love all you people and have not been intentionally ignoring anyone. Also I did not quit.
    Image in you this, a piece of pork loin stuffed with sausage, then wrapped in bacon, then seasoned with a spicy chipotle rub and grilled over lump charcoal and mesquite. Finally doused with bbq sauce and left to caramelize until sticky. That is happening right now.
    Loin. I think the last loin I purchased sat in the freezer so long that we couldn't recognize it for what it was and I finally threw it away.


    A shame, too, as I meant to make jerky with it.

    So.... when are you inviting all the rest of us over for a BGE dinner????
    image in you this, or imagine you this whichever you prefer.
    You know I probably could cook for all of us with the assortment of grills I have out there!
    For the record, JayY has never quit the forum or even threatened to.
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