The Hot Pepper

Hey can I eat these chocolate chips I found in the pantry?
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Those aren't chocolate chips...
Well can I eat em anyway?
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You stay out of my hash nuggets, young man! If you're hungry, there's plenty of good food in the fridge. There's a big bowl of carrot sticks right behind the yogurt. Only eat one, though. It's getting close to dinner time and I don't want you ruining your appetite.
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Also, grab me a beer while you're in there. I just got done canning two gallons of mulberry jam. I'm parched!
Aaah maaaaan, carrot sticks? But I want hash chocolates, or whatever the heck this is? One beer coming right up! You want me to put your kan koozy on it?
hey wait? where the frick did GIP go? where's the hushish nuggets? See! I turn my back to get a beer for one second, dammit.
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Ha! Joke's on him, then. "Hash nugget" are a euphemism for mouse turds.
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I just started cooking a two gallon batch of black raspberry jam. As soon as I get the first rack in the canner, I'm going to find out if I can make a beer run before the timer goes off. (GIP stole all my beer, too.)
How much for your little jams? I want to buy your little jams, and the big one too. YOUR JAMS! I WANT TO BUY ALL OF YOUR JAMS!!
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper
im here !
kind of :drunk:

sorry. I was having a John Belushi flashback.