#6 because it's the only one that doesn't look like a throw pillow to me, and I like the dots at N S E W, feels more global and encompassing. If you see what I mean about the pillow look maybe you can tweak the others, as there may be a better one.
I get what you mean, but these are what the client choose out of a number of revisions that were less pillowy... just trying to get it honed in for the final design. (these weren't my favorites at all, but in the end it is really not up to me). If it helps here's the same logos with the text. http://i.imgur.com/aXXrAGK.jpg
Still #6 here. Less "robotic" looking than the others, and with text they seem clunky and busy, I don't like the border ones, and I think the points at N S E W is important.
That said I like #3 without the border. It's basically the same as #6 but I can see those "points" are people holding the globe, where in #6 that extra layer hides that.
Thanks Boss. Looks like they're leaning toward 1 or 5 regardless of my input again. I agree with the NSEW thing, original design had it like that, but they wanted to move away from it. You can lead a horse to water...
Well, I actually picked 1 or 5 (leaning towards 1). It's very proportional and contrasts well. The circular pattern matches the circle nature of the letter G and O, while the word Help has more straight lines (would work with a square shape better if it was the first word). The dark outline of the circle matches the dark ‘Help’, w/ the lighter Go between the two. Perfect contrast.