Voodoo 6
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  • Looking forward to getting a new bike chain.
    I remember when the six gear cassettes first came out. It was cool upgrade over the old five gear shit.
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    I let the chain go too long and imprints on the cassette, just replacing the chain and not the cassette will make it skip hehe.
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    There are some pretty snazzy cassettes out the for sure.I still rock an 8 speed
    I found some nickleback on my computer, so I threw the computer in the pool. Will this method remove the virus? :P
    Only some Creed will save you now...
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    maybe we can bury the hard drive in a kimchi pot, but I would never disgrace kimchi like that.
    I just saw a video where they were playing overseas and the crowd was throwing rocks at them! It was hilarious! Then they flipped the crowd off and went home
    If you evr find yourself lost in the woods, cold and hungry, just set the woods on fire and someone will find you. These have been words of wisdom from voodoo 6.. out :D
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    ...and when the trees burn down you will be able to see your way home...
    Not that funny here in S. Az. Border crossers frequently start fires that accidentally or deliberately get out of control. We've lost huge tracts of forests over the last ~5 years. :/
    Voodoo 6
    Voodoo 6
    Sorry, it was meant to be taken seriously. You know what else starts a lot of fires along the border, trains. usta have to put out quite a few per year.
    Merry New Years all, May the wind always be in your sails and peppers your plate. Cheers!
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