The Hot Pepper

The vegan ideology is about not exploiting animals for your own gain. No one is forcing the animals to make doo-doo, that is a biological byproduct that the animals don't use themselves so is therefore fair game to be repurposed.
I use to work with a vegan and she said the reason she didn't eat eggs or milk (among other things) is because she didn't agree with the living conditions the animals were subjected to. But yet, the manure from the animals that grow her food are subjected to the same living conditions..
The Hot Pepper
The Hot Pepper
Edmick I know you have a more open mind and understand that not one size fits all, for vegetarians, and even vegans.
Manure and waste from factory farms is usually not repurposed because of the bacteria and disease that runs rampant in those places. It is stored in huge lagoons which have a tendency to leak and pollute rural waterways. Manure used to fertilize organic crops is green manure which is not animal derived. Many industrial farms opt for chemically derived fertilizer over animal manure. From what I've learned working with farmers the past year and a half it is mostly small scale farms that...
Well thats why I'm asking. For input. I respect everybody, including their decisions to not eat meat but one thing I never understood fully was veganism. I wasn't posting this to talk shit, I was posting this to gain a better understanding. As an avid hunter, I've read so many sides of the argument (and respect them all) but this is one that escapes me every time.
The Hot Pepper
The Hot Pepper
It's not as clear cut as it seems anyway. What if you are a vegan teenager and your parents give you their car and it has leather seats? I don't think people should be called out for hypocrisy, I think people can set their own terms, and I respect their hard decisions.
use animal manure. Smaller farms are usually raising their animals in more humane living conditions therefore aligning a bit better with vegan values. However that being said you have vegans all over the spectrum with what they believe constitutes as being vegan. Some vegans won't own even own pets.
So the chicken manure and cow manure aren't from factory farms? I worked for a lady whose family owned a huge chicken farm and all their manure went to be used for compost.. Chickens in cages no bigger than their own bodies..