Burns and McCoy Jan 28, 2016 Court tomorrow . . . Getting sued for medical bills that aren't mine. Can't sleep.
Burns and McCoy Jan 20, 2016 Covering up a sleeve with a sleeve with a sleeve. What the heck did i get into. Left arm is 100 hours in and probably 40 to go. Ouch
Covering up a sleeve with a sleeve with a sleeve. What the heck did i get into. Left arm is 100 hours in and probably 40 to go. Ouch
Burns and McCoy Jan 17, 2016 well that was a game. Can't wait for the Manning and Brady match up next weekend.
Burns and McCoy Jan 17, 2016 Time for Peyton to not continue the 1 and done. I want a rematch with the Pats next weekend. Hopefully bundled up enough for the cold today.
Time for Peyton to not continue the 1 and done. I want a rematch with the Pats next weekend. Hopefully bundled up enough for the cold today.