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  • Gave a porcupine tomato a bath to get rid of mealybugs.
    Mealybugs suck. Kill all you can.
    Yeah. Hot water for five minutes works, but I screwed it up and overcooked the plants. They'll grow back though.
    Never seen air roots on peppers before. Interesting.
    I had that happen on a couple seedlings too, Then i buried then until the air roots were covered
    Made a horrible mistake. Let porcupine tomato outside for sun. Now it's really scary.
    First time I see this kind of tomato. Pretty cool
    Wow. I just got sprouts out of pepper seeds that had only been on the plant for 2-2.5 weeks.
    I planted five of my new pepper seeds expecting a high germination rate, and ten of my really old ones expecting a lower rate. Guess which one came up more?
    Vacuum cleaners work on spider mites as long as you keep the leaves from tearing. Unfortunately my test subject was made of knives and now my hands hurt.
    What's the minimum temperature peppers can take?
    Anything below 45 gets my attentioin.
    It depends upon the duration and sunlight. I've left late-season plants outside with overnight lows hitting 30F and the plants were fine since it was sunny and warmed up the next day. Plants were in pots on a cement driveway. But had 30F been sustained, it would have been a different story.
    But let's add another qualifier that the age of the plant matters. I wouldn't subject babies to temps under 50F. They don't even really like that, but usually pull through.
    Something's wrong with my prickly nightshade. It's only making murder spikes on the top growth point, not all of them.
    Going through my seed drawer and found a bunch labeled "Genghis Khan" and "Apocalypse." I forgot I had those.
    moruga welder
    moruga welder
    grew both last summer , the Ghengis Khan won't disappoint .
    nice find!
    Way back in July I had a purple jalapeno that wasn't ripening. Eventually I just laughed and said any time this year would be nice. And sure enough, with nine hours left in the year, the pepper is ripe now.
    48 degrees. Indoors. Peppers are fine, other plants don't like.
    48° INSIDE?!?!?! Holy crap! Forget your plants, how are your toes? lol
    Hybrid Mode 01
    Hybrid Mode 01
    My old roommate and I once bet a bottle of Scotch the other would have to turn the heat on first one winter. He caved at 42 and I got a bottle of Balvenie! XD
    Most of my house is fine at like 60. The room where I keep the plants for the winter has like 15 windows and 1 heating vent, so it gets cold. Really doesn't feel like 48 in there though.
    Solanum pyracanthum does have a use. Bury the dead leaves and squirrels will learn to stop digging there.
    Laughed out loud when I read that!
    Now, where from to find the seeds of pyracanthum?
    I have used rose branches around fruit trees to stop cats to scratch the trees.
    I might have seeds in a few months when I get it under lights.
    Geeme was right. Solanum pyracanthum are prickly little bastards. Still fun to grow though.
    Pyracanthum won't be found wild in Florida, but there might be other prickly plants that are edible. It's always better to assume that a nightshade is toxic until proven otherwise though.
    Wicked Mike
    Wicked Mike
    What other Solanum species are you growing? I've got some pretty interesting ones.
    I have an S. quitoense as well plus various wild S. dulcamara and S. nigrum that I take care of sometimes whenever it doesn't rain enough. If we're talking whole nightshade family, I obviously have peppers as well as a Datura metel.
    A purple jalapeno set fruit after exactly one flower. That has to be a record or something.
    Anything next to it? I'd like to cross a jalapeño and cayenne just for fun, see what comes out.
    I don't think it could have crossed with anything. Maybe an orange ghost pepper, but that's kinda stretching it.
    Titan arum just went nuts on root production. Looks like it's not planning on sleeping anytime soon.
    It's a little bit cold here.
    We should move closer to the equator. The Caribbean is pretty nice most of the time...
    For me at least there's a pretty big gap between it being painful and it just looking odd, so most of the time it doesn't bother me. Although I didn't know you could lose fingers from it, so maybe I should be more careful. My hands don't turn white unless things are really bad, but purple and orange are always fun. Then when the feeling comes back my fingers puff up and I can't manage anything.
    Mine always go straight to white, and have never had orange or purple. Though you may perceive purple instead of blue. Used to only be down to the first knuckle, one or two fingers at a time. Now it's all of them and can be all the way down. Lately some toes do it, too. Fortunately I haven't had the puffiness. That would suck. I don't consider it to be painful, just oddly numb. All in all, though, I'm glad it's this and not something more serious.
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