birdfather Jun 24, 2013 putting bhut and 7 pot flakes on my pepperoni pizza. lots of beer to wash down. g'night
birdfather Jun 23, 2013 dipping fried okra in my yellow sauce (yellow moruga, yellow bhut). man it's hot but it's tasty. i have to recommend it to you all
dipping fried okra in my yellow sauce (yellow moruga, yellow bhut). man it's hot but it's tasty. i have to recommend it to you all
birdfather Apr 21, 2013 potted up some plants today, brain strains, a reaper, a yellow bhut, cardi strains, a couple more
birdfather May 17, 2012 pressed cuban with some of my homemade bhut sauce, while sipping a dogfish head 60 minute. not bad.