Search results

  1. PepperBen

    for-sale SFRB Yellow Fatalii For Sale

    I'll take a box if you have any more, Jeff.   Ben
  2. PepperBen

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Thanks for organizing this seed train Jeff C..
  3. PepperBen

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Train B Package on it's way to Roper2008.   9505514022270006432106   Ben
  4. PepperBen

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    roper2008, can you please message me your address for train B. Your message box is full.   PepperBen
  5. PepperBen

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Train B arrived today.   :dance:
  6. PepperBen

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Package A going out today. Will post tracking when I get it.   Ben   EDIT:   TRACKING #: 9505514022309336402654
  7. PepperBen

    preservation Dehydrating over ripe pepper question.

    I prefer fully ripe because of the enhanced flavor. Only thing that would influence my decision as to when to pick, is whether I have a frost coming.
  8. PepperBen

    chinense dehydrating duration? 12 hrs, 1-2 days? chinense specifically

    Time, for me depends on variety. More thicker peppers, like habs and manzanos, take more time, usually 24-36 hours, to get to the perfect "crunch". Thin walled peppers like my bird peppers will be done in as little as 12 hours.
  9. PepperBen

    Bahamian Goat Pepper

    Bahamian goats are delicious. My favorite everyday pepper.
  10. PepperBen

    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Nice! Add me to the list please.   Ben
  11. PepperBen

    wanted Want to buy Bahamian goat peppers

    Looking to buy Bahamian goat peppers in a SFRB or MFRB.   Ben
  12. PepperBen


    I will take it if you still have it.
  13. PepperBen

    Banda Ma Jaque??

    Thank you Denniz!!!
  14. PepperBen

    Banda Ma Jaque??

    Only seed I need. Planted 20, none survived to fruit :-( Willing to trade/buy. Thanks, Ben
  15. PepperBen

    trinadad scorpions

    I'll take the last one if it is still available. Ben