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  1. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Beer time sounds good but I still have over an hr to go uggggg Beer and binoculars is that anything like beer goggles?
  2. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Ramon, I will have to seperate it tonight when I get home. Will move it back to the back of the deck away from the other till is starts looking better
  3. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    They have a flood warning in affect for some of the areas here in central Pa. supposed to get a few inches before it is all said and done.
  4. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    Glad to hear that the fire is pretty much done for.   Sorry to hear about all the plants being wiped out, ouch, that has got to suck. I had 2 that didnt make it and I hated to pull them. Have another that is really stalled in growth, no new growth since plant out. Then a Thai fire that I am...
  5. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    Ok Chris seen you have been online but no new updates. Everything ok out there man
  6. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks annie. I was thinking about doing this. Now i have alot of the info in one spot. Also started a compost pile in the back, sorta kinda, Took all of the weeds that I pulled along with a bunch of bamboo leaves. Wanted to build a proper container but havent had the chance as of yet. it is on...
  7. koskorgul

    chinense Do Carolina Reapers take longer to change color than some other peppers?

    What is the old saying A watch pot never boils well A watched pepper never ripens   :party:
  8. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    I havent hit them with anything other than a little miracle grow the other day. I gave them some only because the sick plant started to lose the leaves. Was thinking that it was nutes when the leaves started falling off. I have her in some new top soil now but didnt get a chance to add perlite...
  9. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Annie   Now the rest   Yellow 7 pot starting to put out some flowers   2 Jalapenos that i pickup at the store     Oh my what is it that I see here, why yes, yes it is the first pod of the season. This is on the Thai Fire that is right next to the sick plant. Maybe that is why it is...
  10. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Ok pics of the sick plant and some of my flowering and healthy plants   This is the sic one. All the stems that you see on the right were ones that i pinch off lastnight. The browning of the edges on some of the leaves that wre pinched off is the first I have seen.As you can see it has affected...
  11. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Going to be putting some stakes with mine this weekend. Right now the tallest is only about 8 or 9 inches so have a little time yet.   Good luck on your clone attempt, we are all Rooting for ya ......hehehehe
  12. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Bows head, taps playing in background.  She was a good plant, a healthy plant till that bitch Andrea came out of the sea.  She will be missed, She was a lvoing, caring soul that gave back to those that looked after her.  May she rest in peace, or cloned so her offspring can continue her legacy...
  13. koskorgul

    greenhouse So I forgot some chillies in the corner of my tiny greenhouse...

    Sounds like a Bonzai in the making thre. Root zone would be mall enough already
  14. koskorgul

    romy6 2013

    pm sent thanks again. Hopefully I can over winter one and get some pads
  15. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    That is what I am thinking right now. When I pulled the plant to repot, the roots had grown over into the river soil. My thinking with using the river soil was that with the run off and erosion the nutrients from up river would be in the soil here. Never really gave a thought to toxins. Lesson...
  16. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Annie I hear ya on the stove. Left it unplugged and they are supposed to be coming over to replace it tonight/today. He asked if i wanted a gas or an electic one, I personally like gas stoves better but the GF doesnt know how to cook on one. She has only every used electic. Since I do...
  17. koskorgul

    Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

    Looking good Annie Nice to see some pods forming for ya. Just got my first pod on a Thai Fire, should be posting a pic of it tomorrow
  18. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Can you say Pod Envy. Very nice micro-harvest Ramon
  19. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Sorry didnt get a chance to get any pics lastnight. What started out as a busy night turned into a hectic night. Got home from work and checekd on my sick plant, decided that I was going to change the soild so grabbed her and headed down to the shed. Pulled her out of her pot, shook as much of...
  20. koskorgul

    Same here Gotrox. OS on one drive, all important stuff is on a 2nd drive and again on an...

    Same here Gotrox. OS on one drive, all important stuff is on a 2nd drive and again on an external drive. I lost all of my kids pictures from when they were little. Fortunately my ex and I were on speaking terms then and she let me get all the pics burned onto a DVD.