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  1. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Thanks Spicegeist!  Your glog is one of the most interesting ones; you have some very cool crossing going and I like your choices in wild peppers and the bhut varieties.  Hopefully my Jamaican Jolokia is unique and I hope to have a few more wild crosses (including some x galapagoenses of my own)...
  2. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Greens:   Looks like maybe two weeks or so before temps get into the lower 30's briefly - hope these pods can ripen or it doesn't reach 32F:    Brain Strain: This is the coolest-looking pod, but actually have a few nice and huge ripe pods on this plant.  Being in a bag really seemed to help - I...
  3. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    F2 cayenne x goat's weed: Of the 2 fuzziest seedlings I selected, this has the more cayenne-like form and pods - the other is taller and has almost Fresno-like pods.   CXC2, chinense cross:   Galapagos tomato:
  4. Tick

    The Hot Pepper Community Brainstrain pics

      There are others that look "brainier" on the plant, but these are the biggest! - Tick
  5. Tick

    favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

    Thanks Portuge and your Blue Mystery is very nice!  I got free Blue Mystery seeds from PepperLover a few summers ago and had a nice dark-green seedling, but it died over the winter.  Maybe I’ll try growing it again.  I lucked out on the galapagoense, and it’s grown quickly (sprouted April 30 or...
  6. Tick

    favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

    Cumari pollux - in decent sun, seeds started 3/30/14:   galapagoense, seeds started same date:   tepin x wild chinense cross, very hot, flavorful and has 2 fruit on some of the nodes:
  7. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Here's the monster naga from last post:   galapagoense:   Cumari Pollux:   wild chinense:   tepin:   tepin X wild chinense: The above is much hotter than its mother tepin and tastes much better than my previous annuum x chinense cross (aji dulce x Bulgarian Carrot). It's juicy and the heat...
  8. Tick

    Good guy, Bad guy, culprit?

    Lacewing larva - good guy!
  9. Tick

    CAP691 (redfire)

    Very nice pictures, especially since their flowers are so small for a chinense!
  10. Tick

    CAP 691 Review

    Nice review as usual Nigel!  Glad you compare them favorably to Cumari do Para.  They are a nice little pepper and the plant is both pretty and surprisingly resilient.  My still very small overwinters recovered after being covered with aphids, then mildew and then my forgetting to water them...
  11. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Quick update before running out for a bit - plants are getting big!   Datil; got the idea for the bucket holes from someone's post on THP, forgot who atm:   bhut x Bradley's Bahamian, "bhutamian":   Monster Naga:   One of its pods:   Tepin mom, tepin x wild chinense F1 (agxc1), wild chinense...
  12. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    The heat is better, not far off from the tepin mother and possibly hotter, I will compare when I have them both ripe,   And now some more hot summer pods:   the brain strain in the bag has a nice little pod developing:   wild chinense x bhut, cxc1, ripening and showing a nice color change:  ...
  13. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Most plants are doing better in the warmer weather.  The bigger brain strain is still crinkly and yellow - think I overdid it on the manure/ferts when I potted it as I was excited about growing a monster plant.   2nd brain strain - 1st attempt at growing in a bag.  Got it for $1 and it's bigger...
  14. Tick

    fertilizer douglah flowers fertilized before opening?

    Hi gaffers1   This sounds possibly like what one of my datil peppers did over the winter.  It grew to a fairly big size in a cool kitchen window (no extra lighting) and it began sticking out it's pistils and then pushing out little pods through unopened flower buds.  They ripened, had no seeds...
  15. Tick

    shade Pepper varieties that prefer shade

    I have 3 Bradley's Bahamian (frutescens) x bhut crosses that were suffering in full sun.  The biggest plant would wilt all day and wasn't growing and the 2 smaller ones got very bad sunburn after having seemingly been hardened off for weeks. Now that they are in a mostly shady spot they are...
  16. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Thanks about the pods Runescape.  I've moved some plants off the concrete and to the edge of some shade.  Think the warm-up to the 80's and the heat at the side of the house was part of the problem.  The yellowing is actually on many plants, some just slightly but more than any I saw last year...
  17. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    6-7-14 update - I' m WORRIED -  not liking how the grow is going but there is some cool stuff happening with some plants.   First the bad news:   Many plants are starting to suffer - worst is in below picture and I hope the others won't reach that point.  I'm trying to figure out if I have too...
  18. Tick

    Secret Project.........

    Cruzzfish,   Are you ordering from Sigma?   It may have been mentioned already but you could buy Surflan or similar if you want to save time.  I bought a bag of it at least 5 years ago.  At the time I think I was going to try it on amaryllis, coleus or possibly peppers.  I never did get around...
  19. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Mystery Ghost!   So a nice woman at my work loves very hot peppers.  I've given her some bhut jolokia pods and she’s watched over my plants while I was on vacation; which was already kind of her.  I gave her one of my plants in return.  Anyway, today she brought in a ghost pepper for me to try...
  20. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Yes, I did taste the red one today.  It was soft and pulpy inside like the tepin mother plant which was nice.  However, it wasn't that hot (5/10?) and not as flavorful as the tepin.  I think it could be good to quickly mash-up and throw into a soup or stir fry.  Maybe newer pods will get...