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  1. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Thanks Runescape!   Here's one of the cayenne x goat's weed F2s, lower right, along with 2 other fuzzy peppers:   The one on top is another cumari and the one on the left is a PI 215734, C. chinense.   A cayenne x goat's weed F2 at my work already has some pods starting to grow, despite it...
  2. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    So most of my bigger plants are outside and hardened-off.  They are happy, at the moment, as the side of my house gets sun from early morning to early afternoon and has almost its own warmer microclimate.  Some smaller plants are being kept in an unused fire pit in the backyard for added...
  3. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Just moved a few plants outside into their final large pots.  Thought it was a bit early and that there might be a few colder nights next week, but I have too many decent-sized plants in the house and far too many fungus gnats.  So I chose some plants that I find interesting, but that I could...
  4. Tick

    Ga GH's 2014 - The beginning

    Nice plants and cool snakes!
  5. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Thanks GA Growhead!  I checked out your blog - like the snakes and nice plants!.  I used to catch brown snakes all the time when I was kid; haven't seen one for years though.  Wished I lived more in the south for the growing season and reptiles!   The 4 first crosses in the last update are the...
  6. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Already been putting some plants outside when it's warm enough; can't wait to move them out permanently.  I've also started a new batch of seeds, including more wild plants.   Here's the last plant pictured in the last update:     I am now thinking it's the hybrid that I most wanted to produce...
  7. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Here's some more peppers -   CGN 21566 - has been getting at least some morning through noon sun all winter:   PI 215734 - was doing very poorly in the cold basement in my 3rd location, now recovering in the same window:   Monster naga - recently moved from the basement to an even sunnier...
  8. Tick

    Aji Cachucha from Puerto Rico

    I'm growing 2 small plants.  Their mother was an aji dulce plant I grew in PR.  I bought it in fall of 2011 and it was still alive this winter when I visited.  A very productive and good tasting plant.  Could detect a very slight heat.  If yours are like it, I highly recommend.   - Tick
  9. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Thanks OCD, good luck to you too.   Some of my plants in another location:   Datil   Its odd pods - the flowers didn't appear to open and the ovaries seemed to just push through:   Likely bhut cross that I hope will be an early pod producer:   Another possible cross to a bhut:   A tepin x...
  10. Tick

    Tick's 2014

    Hi all,   This year's grow list is far from certain but I hope to try some new and flavorful peppers, choose some new favorites to keep growing, see some interesting results from last year's crosses and make a few new hybrids.   I have plants overwintering in 3 locations, two of which are far...
  11. Tick

    chinense Galapagos - Isabela Island Red Habanero

    Thank you Joe,   I'll get going on the sasbe and I'd like to see your list.   Also, thanks Nigel for your reviews on all these interesting pepper varieties!   - Tick
  12. Tick

    chinense Galapagos - Isabela Island Red Habanero

    Hi Joe,   I tried unsuccessfully to get seeds for this plant from the NPGS last year so I would definitely be interested when you start selling them.   Thanks,   Tick
  13. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Fall update - some late-performing plants and new prospects for overwintering:   Here's the Bhut:     It's come into its own, but waited until the second half of summer to start setting.  It's no longer yellow and is now a nice, big and stocky plant.  I noticed that these pods were...
  14. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Went away for almost a week and a bunch of stuff going on in my life, but the peppers have been doing fine.  In fact, too many for me to use and everyone else I'm cooking for now hates spicy food.   The pruned cayenne x goat's weed is in full glory:     I've already harvested several pods off...
  15. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Thanks PIC 1 and Stickman,     Yes, that chiltepin looks just like a little citrus tree.  The pods were much juicier than I expected and the flavor, but not heat, was a little disappointing with the first few I tried. Maybe it was a difference between plants or earlier pods, but now I detect...
  16. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    A Chiltepin Sonoran Orange looking like a little fruit tree:     Used it in my chili tonight   Some new seeds for next year are finally coming up and this time they're healthy - I must have been planting too shallow before or had bad luck, but I've had a lot of seed caps staying on this year.  ...
  17. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Thanks Simon and Stickman!   The mother aji dulce was bought from a supermarket in Puerto Rico in a 4” pot.  Shortly before I left, it produced a lot of reddish-orange pods with “scorpion” tails.  It was pretty broad mite resistant as well.  I can't match it up well with the other chinense aji...
  18. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Another update:   The plants are mostly doing well and ripening is picking up.  Many of my planned crosses  have set as well.  I've even started some seeds from these crosses and I'll hopefully see what comes up soon.  Unfortunately, just as some of my most anticipated crosses have both parents...
  19. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Thanks Ramon!  Hopefully I'll get a nice wave of ripening pods/plants and have more colorful pictures to post.  The tepins should look great with a lot of ripe pods on the them.  The CAP 691s are also supposed to go through a few color changes, but so far they are just light greenish-yellow...
  20. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Ripening is picking up!   Here's the runt of my 4 F1 cayenne x goat's weed plants:     Green, black, brown and really bright red pods on one plant.  The chocolate brown surprised me, as I didn't notice it when I grew either parent. However, after an image search for goat's weed, it looks like...