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  1. TheJollyRancher

    Greetings from California

    Imaguitargod, Currently Modesto, but soon San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara
  2. TheJollyRancher

    BJ's Restaurant & Brewery

    A BJ's just opened in town....I dunno...I have heard its great but it is a chain...and I like unique places BMW, The 21st Amendment in SF and Pyramid in Berkeley are great joints... My two favorites however, Firestone Walker Brewery (in Paso Robles) + The Firestone Walker Pub & Restaurant in...
  3. TheJollyRancher

    wanted Seeds to Trade...Looking for Pretty Much Anything

    UPDATE 10/22/08 I still have a few trades of Trinidad Perfume available.... Looking for Fresh Salsa Peppers like Biker Billy, Fresno, etc Just let me know what you have to trade...
  4. TheJollyRancher

    indoor Ripening Green Chiles Indoors?

    What is the best way to ripen green chiles indoors? I cut some because its starting to get cold outside... Any tips?
  5. TheJollyRancher

    Greetings from California

    Hey all, Long time browser...first time poster.... Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. My name is Mike and my handle is TheJollyRancher