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  1. phishpepper

    BBG 7 Pot all colors

    :fireball: . :fireball: rangegum 
  2. phishpepper

    auction Last Gleanings MFRB Pod Auction CLOSED

    Butch T is such a cool dude. 
  3. phishpepper

    auction Last Gleanings MFRB Pod Auction CLOSED

    Thanks Rob. How many generations is your ice scream? I got a few pods from you a couple of sfrb ago.. Which phono is desirable. you got me pods with such differing variations and I dunno which to go with..
  4. phishpepper

    auction Last Gleanings MFRB Pod Auction CLOSED

    Probably not the best time for questions but I cannot find answers anywhere. Jigsaw. /gourmet jigsaw Whatever type of Jigsaw is a Fatalii Variation right? 2nd Question, Ice Scream where did that originate from? is it a 7 Pot Variety? I have seeds for it from 5 different pods that I separated...
  5. phishpepper

    BBG 7 Pot all colors

    Hi I  just wanted to keep this thread alive. Still have not gotten any bubblegum 7 seeds for yellow, caramel, orange. brown, black. please is you have seeds share them with me. thank you!!
  6. phishpepper

    I LIKE FRIED TATORS!!! ~closed~

    So It means Eating them all? seems like a punishment instead of a prize.. I'm a noob right?
  7. phishpepper

    chinense Ugandan Habanero From Refining Fire Chiles

    Jim Duffy is The Man! and refining fire chiles never disappoint. I got Aleppo, Golden Treasure, and Urfa Biber from him that are in germination. 
  8. phishpepper


    somehow i got Judy's seeds from generous donation of a pepper lover from fb. can't wait to grow em. :)
  9. phishpepper


  10. phishpepper

    BBG 7 Pot all colors

    right Rick. Doesn't it take like 7 -8 generations to have it be a stable strain? not really sure what year the first red one with the bleeding calyx came about.. Its a pretty cool progression still.
  11. phishpepper

    BBG 7 Pot all colors

    I think I have bbg7 long w/o calyx and the tiny  bb7 with red calyx.   Now looking for Bubblegum 7 Pot Brown/Chocolate Caramel Yellow Black**   I will pay more than the fair price. I'd prefer to discuss how much the sellers asking price in PM.   I'm really driven to finding seeds for them...
  12. phishpepper

    2 Mixed Fresh SFRB

    just curious what is 007 7 pot? any pics
  13. phishpepper

    Hello from Waldorf, Maryland

    Hi, Everyone!   I'm Paul. I've been freaquenting the forum a lot more lately and finally caved to creating a profile to contribute to the threads. The first thing I do? I went to the forum ads page and ordered 3 boxes of peppers from 3 different people. lol. I need to be restrained or I'll end...
  14. phishpepper

    BBG 7 Pot all colors

    Have you got any pods or seeds closed pollinated of 7 pot bubblegums? Im looking for all available colors. I hear someone has developed a chocolate variation on the dl that's unstable.. please PM me. Ive had no luck acquiring even just regular seeds of bubblegum or pods  I have wanted to try...
  15. phishpepper

    auction SFRB Auction FRESH BIG pods! CLOSED

    Been ebayer since forever so I was watching for snipers on the last few seconds. Thanks Robin! that was fun first time bidding for a box of peppers. you're the third seller of flat rate boxes that I have bought from today. I need to back away from the computer now. lol. 
  16. phishpepper

    auction SFRB Auction FRESH BIG pods! CLOSED

    Claiming it 
  17. phishpepper

    My turn to host a contest CLOSED

    Quickly and Gnarly you pincer my tongue Destroying everything of my taste buds You like to see me in pain don't you? Your stinger taunting me as you ripen red. I blissfully await for your innards to mature They are set ablaze by walls of lava. You obliterate my manhood if I so mistakenly touch...
  18. phishpepper

    what's hot right now...

    All the available colors of BBG 7 and Bhutlahs plus these: yea, pretty sure Im missing a few on the list of wants. If you got seeds, my collection for trade is as nice as my want list.. maybe nicer since i have a lot of superheats and thats why I'm looking for the habs level heat. I know i have...
  19. phishpepper

    auction SFRB Auction FRESH BIG pods! CLOSED

    Im new with bidding for SFRBs or MFRBs.. so I guess My first box for a SFRB is $17 outbidding "Heating up"?..