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    pubescens Rocoto of unknown origin

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about it! Especially considering my new obsession with Rocotos!
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    health Timothy the Ghost Pepper Update ( + Advice Needed)

    No worries, keep us posted with pics on how your pepper is doing! Looking forward to seeing the progress. Also, not sure if you're within the zone of the current heatwave, but things slow down a bit and flowers fall off during oppressive heat like this. It'll get better!
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    health Timothy the Ghost Pepper Update ( + Advice Needed)

    The smaller numbers are nitrogen and potassium. You could try Miracle Grow Performance Organics. There are different blends (general purpose, bloom, edibles, etc.). I'd go with something as balanced as possible. I'm not sure that the plant will be underfed if you go with Tomato Tone/Garden Tone...
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    issue Problem with malformed leaves on some plants

    There are two schools of thought on that, some people say to only use epsom salt from a garden center, others say it's fine to use epsom salts from a drug store provided it is only magnesium sulfate and no other additives. Some brands add sodium chloride, which will kill your plants. I'd go the...
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    issue Problem with malformed leaves on some plants

    @ahochan yes it sure did bounce back nicely! After looking at the first photo, my suggestion was going to be to put a pinch of epsom salts in the watering can, I was wondering if this was magnesium deficiency. I guess the roots were underdeveloped for a bit and maybe nutrient uptake was...
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    health Timothy the Ghost Pepper Update ( + Advice Needed)

    @dolphcode yes, that's correct. Yup that sounds perfect I had no idea about the rabbit poop-I definitely learned something new here. Also she's a cutie. This is going to be a little bit of a deep dive, so forgive me if I'm giving too much info. There are different ways to classify...
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    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    Still growing! Still not setting fruit because of the heat! Agh! The coming week will have some temps in the mid-80s with lows around 65, maybe I'll get some mercy fruit. I have a feeling these guys are going to go gangbusters when late summer approches and it cools down for good. They look...
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    health Timothy the Ghost Pepper Update ( + Advice Needed)

    @dolphcode so far so good! Timothy looks pretty healthy to me. Someone gave me some great advice many years ago-they told me that peppers can still thrive from benign neglect. I've found that to be true, so don't worry too much, barring any serious mistakes on your part, I'd say that Timothy is...
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    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    Interesting, albeit anecdotal development: the Rocoto Turbo and de Seda on the side of the house with more shade and morning-only sun are really starting to flower now, with nice sturdy plants. The Ecuadorian red pepper from hell in the full, direct afternoon sun is the one out of the two ERPFH...
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    harvesting What pepper are you most excited about this season?

    Bahamian goat is definitely on my try list next year. I've heard too many good things to not go for it.
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    plant pepper joe'd?

    Reminds me of a Congo Trinidad that I grew many years ago. Not sure if they sell that one, but just throwing it into the mix...
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    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    Perfect, thanks!
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    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    Okay let me see what I can come up with about a permanent location. BTW, speaking of permanent locations: I'm going to have to move them. Right now the plan was in a screened in porch with only about 3 hours of early morning sun, with a ceiling fan running. The expected temps have gone up. Any...
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    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    @CaneDog thank you!! Do you think I should put them in tomato cages now, or wait to see if they need it?
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    shopping Looking for consensus on Tomatogrowers chinenses?

    Thanks BlackFatalii. The way you descibe the Mayan hab, I wonder if it has any baccatum genes in it? Did you get that impression?
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    Show Us Your Pubes! Group GLOG From The Rocoto Giveaway

    Some updates from today! First, starting with the potted plants that are on the shadier side of the house: L to R Ecuadorian Red PFH, Rocoto Turbo, Rocoto de Seda (all in 5 gallon pots, up-potted around 5/25) Here's a closer look at the ERPFH in the pot. It is starting to form flower...
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    shopping Looking for consensus on Tomatogrowers chinenses?

    Over the years I've used for tomato and pepper seeds, and I've never been disappointed. I've noticed these C. chinense types that have been offered by them and I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with them? Note that I acquired seeds for an orange Scotch Bonnet many...
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    Two Word Turd

    and beyond
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    pickling Indian Brinjal pickle

    This looks fantastic-I'm thinking I'm going to try this one soon. Thanks for sharing!