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  1. Charx

    Pods and Seeds from Wicked Mike... Oh My....

    Nope.... no cooking.... just mix it all together and stuff it into a quart jar.  I'll keep you posted as to how it turns out.  Here are a few links to some recipes I found.  Search "haitian pikliz recipe".... there's lots of them.
  2. Charx

    Pods and Seeds from Wicked Mike... Oh My....

    My 2015 season (first attempt at growing peppers) was rather dismal.  I decided to do some research and come across all sorts of people talking about Wicked Mike, so I contacted him.  We exchanged some emails and I have been in contact ever since.  I ordered some seeds and a box of peppers and...
  3. Charx

    pod Mystery Pod.... lost the tag. Ideas?

    I don't know..... I have 30 plants and this is the only pod !!  I have most of them identified but this one lost it's tag.  I didn't plant habs .... only super hots.  Lots and lots of leaves, a few blooms and 1 pod.  Rather pathetic.  MasterGardners said that's because we had a really hot week...
  4. Charx

    All Leaves... Few Buds.... No Pods on my super hots. Now what?

    Now that is *very* interesting....  I may have to try that as a last ditch resort!
  5. Charx

    All Leaves... Few Buds.... No Pods on my super hots. Now what?

    This is my first year so there aren' try "previous years"..... so I'm kind of winging it.     Good ideas!  I guess you just touch the flowers with a cotton swab or finger and keep touching flower-to-flower on the same plant?   And I was going to move them indoors for after trimming them down for...
  6. Charx

    All Leaves... Few Buds.... No Pods on my super hots. Now what?

    That sounds interesting.... how much do you put in the water?
  7. Charx

    All Leaves... Few Buds.... No Pods on my super hots. Now what?

    I have about 30 plants (scorpions, morugas, bhuts, naga.... and such)  which I planted in generic potting soil and fertilized with fish emulsion mostly.  It is now almost September and I am worried that I won't  be getting many pods.  I have a few flowers on a Butch-T scorp but that's it.  I...
  8. Charx

    pests Bugs! Little white ones on my Butch-T Scorpion

    The Safer Soap only worked marginally so I'm hitting them with the Neem + Bronners.  Anyone have a ratio for Neem / Bronners / Water ?   (I'm assuming you use 100% Neem?  I've seen 70%, too).
  9. Charx

    pests Bugs! Little white ones on my Butch-T Scorpion

    Thanks everyone...... I will start with Dr Bronners Peppermint Soap and Neem because I have that soap already and can get the Neem locally..... I will use that till the Azamax arrives.  Fortunately there aren't many left.  I wiped most of them out with "Safer Insect Killing Soap" that my wife...
  10. Charx

    pests Bugs! Little white ones on my Butch-T Scorpion

    Hello People!  Got bugs?  I do.  Any idea what these are..... and how I can get rid of them?  The affected leaves are getting yellow blotches, but, interestingly only 3 of my 30 plants are infected even though they are very close together.     Thanks...    
  11. Charx

    Leaf Discoloration..... Newby

      Thank you.... I live and learn!  It's been in the 70's only and a bit breezy.... but off to the shade they go!
  12. Charx

    Leaf Discoloration..... Newby

    This is the most likely answer..... I only mist them with water but I put them out in the sun sometimes, perhaps for too long.  The odd thing is that it's only that leaf.... and there are several other plants like that with one or two leaves "burnt".  I'll have to get educated on how much sun...
  13. Charx

    Leaf Discoloration..... Newby

    Hello....   Some of my small plants are starting to get this sort of leaf discoloration.  Any ideas as to what this might be?   Thanks!      
  14. Charx

    Solo Cup Transplant.... holes in bottom? Two cups? (Newby Here)

    Thanks to you all..... !!     -- Charlie
  15. Charx

    Solo Cup Transplant.... holes in bottom? Two cups? (Newby Here)

    About solo cups....... I'm a newbie and am ready to transplant into solo cups.  I notice some people use 2 cups .... one inside the other.... and some don't.  Is this for drainage?  Do you put holes in the bottom of the cups?  I'm sure it's super simple.... but what's the best way? Thanks.    
  16. Charx

    Nick's First Ever Glog

    About solo cups....... I'm a newbie and am ready to transplant into solo cups.  I notice some people use 2 cups .... one inside the other.... and some don't.  Is this for drainage?  Do you put holes in the bottom of the cups?  I'm sure it's super simple.... but what's the best way? Thanks.
  17. Charx

    seeds Newbie.... Half of my seedlings sprout and wither and die immediately... Oh No!!

                                    OK..... I have looked at all of your great posts.  Wow.... this is such a great forum!  Thank you.....!!   So here's what I have learned.  1) The dome has to come off.  2) I need to get a fan on a timer 3) I need to change the soil.... my Grange has the Happy Frog...
  18. Charx

    seeds Newbie.... Half of my seedlings sprout and wither and die immediately... Oh No!!

    Ah Ha!  This MG with Moisture Control...... I'm changing to something like Happy Frog. How many seedlings can you have going in one of these units, Gotrox?  It sounds interesting.... not because i'm lazy but because I work a lot out of town and convenience is a big plus for me.  Thanks. The cots...
  19. Charx

    seeds Newbie.... Half of my seedlings sprout and wither and die immediately... Oh No!!

    Here are some pics.... this is my set up and here's what the seedlings are looking like:         So far I am hearing: change soil from MG to.... (what do you recommend?)  and take off the dome..... the roots appear tight and healthy.