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  1. Jase4224

    Bad peppers

    Cant stand any small C. Anuums.. full of seeds and yuck taste. Examples are birds eye and black pearl.. again just full of seeds and what small amount of flesh there is tastes crap. Great ornamentals though. Also agree on the Butch T scorpion they taste like fuel to me (yes Ive tasted petrol...
  2. Jase4224

    What color is Pepper X ?

    You needed to be told?? So your the reason why do not consume is written next to poison on chemical bottles these days ;)
  3. Jase4224

    chinense Congratulations Caroline Reaper: You are Main Stream

    I agree and can say that in south west Oz it seems that most people that I have spoken to about hot food have heard of it, I work in a pub and Im always talking to the general public/people I dont know.
  4. Jase4224

    What color is Pepper X ?

    If Puckerbutt doesnt produce proof that they have a chilli hotter than the Reaper in the next few years then Ill take that as confirmation that the Reaper is or at least started out as the Primo, and the rest is all marketing BS. By proof I mean a tested Guinness record and selling seeds for...
  5. Jase4224

    chinense Congratulations Caroline Reaper: You are Main Stream

    Reapers can be found in Coles supermarkets in Oz during the later months of summer.. thats pretty mainstream
  6. Jase4224

    Edible to the wife?

    Aji Pineapple - has a unique fruity/tropical flavour and low to mid heat. Love it raw in sandwiches or pickled in vinegar
  7. Jase4224

    devils tongue v fatalii

    Anyone else notice how many people replied to this thread (back in 2008) who said they only tried one of these chillies yet still voted? Why vote if you havent tried both??? A couple of people responded just to say they hadnt tried either of them which seems pointless to me.. lol rpossum that...
  8. Jase4224

    heat what is the hottest pepper in your mind?

    Shame, cos I thought the best thing about Pepper X is that it WASNT red.. nothing against red chillies its just that I think it would be cool if another colour took the title and mustard is one of the more unusual colours.
  9. Jase4224

    Local's 2017/18 Glog - Perth, WA

    Also a couple of bags of Baileys soil improver will do wonders in that garden, renews the soil really well. Great job on the lights too!
  10. Jase4224

    Local's 2017/18 Glog - Perth, WA

    Hey mate looking good! Looks like you have it sorted :) BTW Ravenswood Hotel is doing Chilli Fest this month next weekend so check out the website its gonna be huge!!!!
  11. Jase4224

    chinense Habanadas

    +1 on the Aji Jobito they are awesome I will add however with this one the longer you leave it in the plant the better the flavour IMO wait for it to go almost orange for the most complex flavour
  12. Jase4224

    [2017] If you could only grow one pepper.. which would you select?

    Absolutely without a doubt Peach Ghost. So far I have grown and tasted the Pepper Lover Select and its amazing.. extremely hot yet a unique tropical taste a cant quite describe. Growing Wicked Mikes strain this year too and cant wait to taste it!
  13. Jase4224

    heat Ed Currie's newest hottest pepper

    Im pretty sure Pepper W is on its way.. Pepper Wank? Sorry, Ive had a bit to drink. I really do hope someone would just come out of nowhere and take the title. Someone who just grows chillies cos they love chillies and not marketing.
  14. Jase4224

    chinense Which Habanero Is The "Best"?

    I have noticed that every time someone asks here about favourite flavoured peppers two are brought up repeatedly (every efn time!).. choc habanero and Bahamian goat. I have grown both and they are both very tasty and prolific. I would like to add that the P. Dreadie Scotch Bonnet is amazing...
  15. Jase4224

    Rarest Pepper?

    I know this is a little off topic but since his name was brought up in this thread.. where did Nigel Carter go? His input was great and influenced what I grow for the better.
  16. Jase4224

    Black Super Hots?

    AJ this is not a superhot but its as close to black as I have seen especially for a C.Chinense..
  17. Jase4224

    flavor Non-organic vs organically grown taste

    I think a side by side grow of the two strains of bhut (the one you grew and didnt like as well as the one AJ grew) in the same conditions would reveal whether or not the taste is simply down to different strains or growing conditions.
  18. Jase4224

    Help please

    Cant believe no one has mentioned this but BE CAREFUL going for a piss lol.. no hands! Trust me..
  19. Jase4224

    Butt Burners ???

    You beat me to it.. for me its absolutely the seeds even if I have a pizza with jalapeƱos that are not very hot the seeds still get me. Yet I can eat the kick ass wings from the local pub (using reaper and scorpion paste) with no afterburn at all.