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    Bacterial or fungal?

    Care to tell me what fungal spray you used? I used Dr. Earth because Serenade wasn't for sale at my Home Depot.
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    Bacterial or fungal?

    Dear Shawn, I am experiencing the same issue in my raised bed comprised of cayenne and jalapeno. Leaf drop on the bottom of the plant first, has spread to all the plants in the bed. Google searches for "fungus or bacteria leaf spot" are useless as the descriptions and pictures all look the same...
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    Bacterial Spot? Desperate....

    Im pretty sure this is bacterial leaf spot. It started off on one of my cayennes a month ago, as that plant was stunted compared to the others.. I just thought it was fertilizer burn. Now its all over my non-chinense plants. Not sure why the habs aren't affected, but even the tomatoes have it...
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    pests Need help with pest - hornworm? Beetle? Slug?

    Ok. I did the beer trap thing near the affected plants, 2 nights and no victims yet.
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    pests Need help with pest - hornworm? Beetle? Slug?

    Weird.. I thought I did. Here it is.  
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    pests Need help with pest - hornworm? Beetle? Slug?

    Hi all- I posed this question on Gardenweb but no one seems to know the answer. Ever seen this type of damage before? Chewed leaves and a weird dark inky substance left behind? I know hornworms leave poop, but this has no texture to it.. Just liquid. Any help would be appreciated. I sprinkled...
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    Is anyone growing Numex Jalmundo?

    I realize that all plants are different, as are growing conditions. But how would you guys say the heat level was. How about the yield - prolific producers?
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    Is anyone growing Numex Jalmundo?

    I would be very interested to see fellow gardener's results this summer. I have high expectations for this plant.
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    Sm1nts2escape's 2014 First Glog

    Hey could you describe this process more? Can you let me know what fertilizer you're using? Are you saying you put one bottle cap full of liquid fertilizer per starter cell? Or one bottle cap full as part of a bigger mix with water? One thing that confuses me about fertilizing at this size plant...
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    Sm1nts2escape's 2014 First Glog

    Nice setup you have there. Im noting you said that Jiffy seed starting mix is giving you good luck. I'm curious to see how this goes for you going forward. I used this stuff last year with terrible results. The plants grew extremely slow, taking over a month to go from one set of true leaves to...