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  1. Andy

    Andy's season 2009..

    Because of not enough space indoor, i had to get some of them outside. And that time, there still have been some rainy and windy days, so the few that was outside diddnt grow that good.. inside: (jalapeno, habanero orange apple, naga morich, red savina and some mixed unknown with apache in the...
  2. Andy

    Andy's season 2009..

    Andy's season 2009.. This season i seeded only a few different sorts. Net year Im planning about 30 sorts or something that way.. But now soem pics of this year.. I started in april, which is very late for northern germanys circumstances. I started to grow indoor because it has been very cold...
  3. Andy


    Hahaha, thats good!!!:lol:;) Thanks again! Time for an own thread...:D
  4. Andy

    wanted Looking for Pimenton de la vera seeds

    I am almost sure that pimento de la vera is a pepper powder, no plant. That powder consists the following peppers: Jaranda, Jeromin and Jazira. Will try to find a source tomorrow.. Greets
  5. Andy


    Thanks again!:)
  6. Andy


    Thanks everyone!! The orange apple has a heat level of 5/10, so you can enjoy the habanerotaste. Thats why it is a good alternative of the usual habanero orange. I will give some feedback when they are ready..
  7. Andy


    Nice to see that there are people from all over the world!! Just to make it clear: Habanero Manzano: Habanero Orange: (My) habanero Orange Apple: (small berries with plain skin) Pictures taken from Nice seed dealer, where i got my seeds! Highly recommended! Greetz
  8. Andy


    The "german Andy connection" takes over..:lol:
  9. Andy


    Hello everyone... Just wanted to introduce myself.. Just found your forum and it seems really interesting. I am Andy and I am 24 years old. I live in Bremen/Germany and hope we will have a good time! My english is terrible, but i think you will understnd the main parts.. hehe.. Here are some...