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  1. StonedFarmer

    A story of three words...

    on protected land
  2. StonedFarmer

    StonedFarmers 2014 grow

    the trinidad bounced back the best so far and has about 15-20 pods begininng. 
  3. StonedFarmer

    StonedFarmers 2014 grow

    the one at the front is the trinidad scorpion      this is the naga viper      didn'ttake a pic of the white jolokia. these ones got pretty beat up in a bad storm maybe a month ago. should have brought them inside but well the tequilla was telling me not to leave it alone and I just had to...
  4. StonedFarmer

    StonedFarmers 2014 grow

    This year I'm growing a multitude of different peppers and veggies as usual.    most excited for the white naga jolokia, trinidad moruga and the  viper also have a variety of cayenne, jalapeno and some other ones that I really can't remember at the moment.    will upload pictures once I get...