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  1. Wozzi

    What tomatoes are you growing in 2016?

    Thai Pink Eggs - one of the better types for our tropical climate. Great tart taste and resists fruit fly.
  2. Wozzi

    What do super hot pepper seeds sell for wholesale?

    Sounds like you have mastered your deseeding technique Cycadjungle.
  3. Wozzi

    2016 garden will you have more or less peppers ?

    I think I have this superhot thing out of my system (for now) so might experiment with some milder types next year for tapas, smoking and powders. Grew about 70 varieties this year in pots. Maybe 30 in ground next season and get back into growing a lot of other fruit and vegetables. I get a kick...
  4. Wozzi

    Hello from North Queensland

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  5. Wozzi

    Hello from North Queensland

    G'day all,   2nd year chilli grower and been lurking on this great forum for a while now. Lucky enough to have a tropical climate for growing all year round, mostly in a 4 acre community garden on the edge of our city. Dabbled in a lot of sauce making last year and found it to be highly...