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  1. pepperhog

    Massive Cornish Naga review

    that was a beast of a pepper I would have done 1/2 a pod,,
  2. pepperhog

    Do ants eat pollen?

    have the same thing going on with little black ants they are always in the flowers I think they are eating pollen what else would they be doing in there??
  3. pepperhog

    A spade is a spade right?

    from looking at pictures of peppers watching reviews reactions testimonies ex...,,now a days ,,seems to be as much of a hobby as growing a few for me, my WEAK assumption's would be 1), 7 pot white is not a 7pot... (2) 7 p0t burgundy has a lot of hab or congo pepper thus not a true 7pot, (3)there...
  4. pepperhog

    chinense Ghost Peppers

    picked 2 choc bhuts so far got a ton on the way killer heat on them things much more unpleasant than the reds mine took 5 weeks once they get going it seems more like 4 weeks or less the rest of the season,,
  5. pepperhog

    baccatum Annuums...Baccatums...Best flavor?

    for me it is annuums I like best, but if you are in seed buying mode call beth peppermania she has a very good selection of baccatums and annuums perty good pices too.. also look up between those there are a lot of both capsicums to look at I have ordered seeds from both in the...
  6. pepperhog

    chinense A Yellow Bhut Jolokia tries to kill me.......

    I have to admit Nigel is a badass when it comes to eating superhots that's why I think he can describe flavor and his body's reaction to the nuke he just ate,,,!
  7. pepperhog

    chinense A Yellow Bhut Jolokia tries to kill me.......

    nice review Nigle as always,,I always wonder how the yellow came about I know the brown and peach are said to natural variants of the original,, most bhut crosses retain a bit of bhut flavor to me the yellows look like a cross, cant believe you went for the second one but you are dedicated to...
  8. pepperhog

    Parick's SBJ7

    has anyone heard from patrick he hasent commented on here in a while was thinking of him the other day when a very kind member from here blessed me with a sb7j plant .. i had issues with germinating some F1 sb7j seed that patrick sent me but got a plant anyway hope all is well with him..
  9. pepperhog

    7 Pot Lava™ - OUCH

    its posted in OMG pain has arived thread
  10. pepperhog

    7 Pot Lava™ - OUCH

    there is a brown 7 pot lava paulmotkin reviewed it youtube he said seeds came from a red but put out brown pods a friend of his grew out seeds.. i think there is some douglah or brown 7 in there. very cool pepper
  11. pepperhog

    OMG.. its bleeding...

    Cool kingdenniz I have looked at a lot of pictures of these with the way the calyx is large and stuck on the pods and running, it is the correct pheno it should start turning red yellow looking when they further ripen the other phenotype has a smaller regular stem calyx on it,, I gess you...
  12. pepperhog

    7 Pot Lava™ - OUCH

    Well I don't know a thing about this pepper other than watching a few reviews and seeing a few pics but one thing I'm 99% sure coming from Judy this thing is 100% Trinidad in the genes,, cuz she loves all peppers from that island,,,,but pepperlover fans already know that right?
  13. pepperhog

    hybrid Part 2, in which the Douglah/Butch T cross beats the living crap out of me.

    Must say one nasty lookin cross that doughla x TS you said it had a greener taste than the douglah it looked greener inside also,
  14. pepperhog

    Antilles Fire

    I was watching you and I was surprised how this chili lit you up cuz you handle the higher SHU chilies like a champ
  15. pepperhog

    chinense Looks like we had the same idea today. My Reaper Review

    nice review Nigel I have tried the reaper puree but not a fresh pod and will say it dose have a very unique flavor the burn on the puree was very good and deep but totally manageable awesome reviews man you true calling might be pepper reviews you are better than FBI IN THAT YOU ARE MORE...
  16. pepperhog

    this is pretty neat, particularly if you want to get your kids into spicy stuff.

    vid worked today!! pepper pixie stix neat stuff pex!
  17. pepperhog

    chinense Carolina Reaper Review ( Destroys Me )

    dude that was one painful review the gut and back of the throat is the worst for me.. gums and mouth are use to heat.. gut burn and cramps are terrible
  18. pepperhog

    fused stems black stingers

    Thanks greenman that clears it up a bit,,
  19. pepperhog

    fused stems black stingers

    would to much Nitrogen cause this ?its cool though I did a soil test my ph was 6.8 to a 7 N, was low, P was medium K, was med/high used chemical kit with the dissolvable tablets from lows,,i then gave em some more frequent feedings fish emulsion jobes organic granular and 1/2 strength MG bloom...