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  1. pepperhog

    Dollar Menu Dare VIDEOS!

    got my vote in just in time 1:00 am good job naga u schooled em on how to get her done mayo dose cut heat but was perfectly legal biz u kinda made it up with the pe shot but, hh had the cleanest run of all of em but suffured the most i bet biz was burning bad after the pe shot tho if i was...
  2. pepperhog


    I hear it almost tastes like a bhut i actially enjoy buht flavor ovet the 7 PODS. That i have tased so far, do yall think this is true about it tasting like a buht?cant wait to see how mine will turn out i have a few popin up have any of yall started 2013 grow yet i couldent wait started mine...
  3. pepperhog


    Sounds like a badd azz pod id like to see a side by side review With hb22 vs barrakpore i wonder the shu on this pod are ?
  4. pepperhog

    seeds starting seeds in bathtub

    Solo cups in tub flying solo lol
  5. pepperhog


    really what dose it remind you of and what pepper or level is heat? are they yuk or just not the best flavor.?Do they remind you more of a red hab, red 7, butch t, or jolokia, or do they have there own not close to any chili flavor,? what is your heat raiting on em i got to try red 7 pot...
  6. pepperhog


    got a few barrakpores germinating, nice plant very healthy lookin , most picks of pods are very bhut j,, long lookin thats why i got seeds something diff 7pot, hope i like the flavor of em don mind a little fruty but yellow 7s and fatalis to me go overboard in the citrus frutty and i seem to...
  7. pepperhog

    Parick's SBJ7

    again cool lookin pepper kinda cool the seeds are being spread around from US to Australia, have enjoyed reading this thread and all good people contributing ideas and info,Really like the fact its not claiming worlds hottest, kinda cool we dont know how many SHU its pushing. We can just talk...
  8. pepperhog

    seeds starting seeds in bathtub

    married also have 2 showers so staying clean no problem LOL [/img] here it is area 3113 germination lab lol [/img] a closer look a few choc habs are at bottom look close [/img] close up of seedling choc habs you are correct noticed a few criters gnats sprayed with neem oil exteract should...
  9. pepperhog

    seeds starting seeds in bathtub

    I started my seeds in my bathtub i have fluorescent lighting on em a space heater keeping em at 85 deg i also am runing. Humidifier keeping it At 50-60% so the heat dosent dry em out i got seeds in seed starter mix in getto yogurt containers got quick popups black stingers choc buhts barrackpore...
  10. pepperhog

    Parick's SBJ7

    love the texture of this pepper,, like how its all divets bumps you wouldent think one of its perents is a non superhot Hey Sownseeds is this an F2 now ? also how is the heat more like a 7j ? i read somewere they were right up there in heat ,,, nice pics
  11. pepperhog

    Spot the anomaly

    the texture on the yellow pepper is different than the primo next to it,,very strong posibility of 2 different plants,,i have taken soil from starter pots that did not do good,insted of dumping it)I then combined it with bigger pots only to have non germinated seeds germinate in the pot with the...
  12. pepperhog

    favorite Your Favorite C. frutescens

    what about malagueta i always wondered how it compares to tabasco has anyone tried it.?
  13. pepperhog

    Maui Purple

    i think spicegiest is correct look at the leaves and erect pods not Chinesen lookin
  14. pepperhog

    Peppermania Mystery seeds - What did you get?

    2012 grow was from beth I had lost inca, goats weed, hawaian sweet hot,alma paprika, tobasco, from the mystery seeds i got a roccoto chile mansano) a few baccatums a poblano a bunch of annums i planted all of em lol
  15. pepperhog

    Who here eats whole superhots?

    i have eaten yellow 7 pods i grew, jolokia giants, and original 7 pod reds , provided by a friend the original 7 pod red kicked my butt in all i have eaten less than a dozen hole total i enjoy em but more mixed with food i think i like em after the first few min the endorfin rush is worth the...
  16. pepperhog

    favorite Your Favorite C. frutescens

    i had 6 tabasco plants last year they were 3 feet wide 5-6 feet tall and loaded with a few 1000s pods got tierd of pickin em. Taste to me is good i made hot sauce and supplied a few mexican familys and could never run out once they got going they whent hard till november till cold temps killed...
  17. pepperhog

    Is it just me who gets furious?...

    well look at the poor decisions people are trying to make cuz of mentally deficient people, goverment is loosing focus on real issus and trying to tell law abiding citisens there magazines are to full or there rifle is military lookin or that a 223 is a devastating round next thing you know...
  18. pepperhog

    Trinidad 7 Pod Burgundy

    I have looked at em when buying seeds they dint look very 7 pod like but look too huge to be a hab dose any one know origin or who bred this pepper? very nice pepper judy seems yummy i got a bunch of seed allready more than what i have space for, but might do it, :dance:
  19. pepperhog

    Best tasting 7 pod

    yellows are the only ones i have grown i like em i keep burpin up citrucy floral after i eat em kinda nice :P , but im trying 7 pod barackpore this year 2013 glad to hear a lot of yall like barackpore,
  20. pepperhog

    Pepper Tattoo?

    definetly hard to decide i never got a tat cuz i wazent sure if i would still like it 20 years down the road btw the tat defcon posted is a capciasin molecule most of you know that but for those that dont, def a clever tat, :hot: lol