Search results

  1. pepperhog

    chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

    well it is very easy for plants to get cross polinated even when neted or in a green house one bee that has been on a habanero could have found its way to cross with a hp22 b FBI has a vid on utube, with a fatali/hp22 pod review, that he got from ed, from what i understand Ed has also crosed...
  2. pepperhog

    Living Proof

    that is so cool and not hard for me to beleve , i heard a story about a drunk that, would chug some vinegar,supose to take alcohol smell away) then put 3 Tabasco peppers in his mouth when he got pulled over and it made him more alert and fooled a few officers, drinkin and driving not cool !! at...
  3. pepperhog

    chinense HP22B-A (Reaper) pods in South Texas

    as ted barrus said it is a diffrent taste/ heat than other supers, lot of others have said the same, Appreciate the pictures of your proggress let us know about smell taste and heat, I think Ed might have found a freak, be nice to find out first hand from thp folks im sure those reports are on...
  4. pepperhog

    pepper range 10k-100k opinions...

    chile de arbol comes to mind im gonna try them for 2013, some claim its better than any cayanne especially for drying,
  5. pepperhog

    annuum Red, Ripe Serrano: Early Thanksgiving Taste

    nice pods, look a bit shorter than the serranos we find up here,
  6. pepperhog

    unusual main fork c.chinense

    that is a cool lookin plant, how do the pods come out lookin, wierd also, or normal?
  7. pepperhog

    Serrano x Peter Pepper

    if he has multiple ones like this then there is a chance it is a cross even if the others are serrano like also the pods look a little thinner fleshed so possible cross, if you plant seeds it should be more clear, i had a unknown cap anum that mid season produced petter lokkin pods the first...
  8. pepperhog

    November is FUN in Florida!!!

    are you rubbin it in,,you know our peppers are sufferin up here :mope: too cold,
  9. pepperhog

    indoor Growing indoors using desk lamps

    hey some mg bloom booster will stop bloom drop also u may have to help polinate,,and if they continue to grow bigger pots, i dont know about the lights( have never grown in doors other than seed starting,) though u may need a few more lights or some reflective material to really get em going...
  10. pepperhog

    pubescens Capsicum pubescens in many Variations

    cool to see diffrent pod shapes, i thought they were all round or blocky shaped i saw longer chili shaped pods in there that was cool,
  11. pepperhog

    chinense White (not) Bhut (not) Test

    so what kinda cross is this?
  12. pepperhog

    plant Plant i bought in Kawasaki

    what ever it is it makes huge and plentifull pods for it size, 90% shure its annumn i say save seeds and see what you get next year if its the same it would be great,, but might be some kind of an ornametal that is hybrid crossed to be small and self polinate verry easy and look colorfull so it...
  13. pepperhog

    CAP 1469 = C. frutescens ??

    i knew that wild annums and chin, tepins, cumari, and other wild ones,all have small round pods full of seeds, funny how all diffrent pepper species all look similar in wild form.
  14. pepperhog

    Some sort of Scotch Bonnet

    those greek peppers are they pepperoncinis ? is the flesh on the SB thicker than the habs cuz if so it is yellow sb more than likely
  15. pepperhog

    pod TSM1 Crazy Looking Pods

    cool lookin pods,,they look a lot ruffer skined than parents a lot more B,A too. looks like large 7pot red, maybe mutation, or cross polination, what other chilis did you have near the parents? :rofl: bhuts ..?
  16. pepperhog

    GA GH's Garden 2013

    nice when can you put em out side? in GA,? up here in NC it is May but i put an overwintered tabasco out in April only coverd it a few nights that were cool and by end of may i had a load of peppers,
  17. pepperhog

    Chicago chiles FTW

    nice mine got frost bit too, pulled em all and RIP, exept for one tabasco plant in a raized bed beside my house it has survived a few frost now and this AM we were @ 30f and still going strong i hope it still alive in Dec, but im sure temps in the 20s she is done,
  18. pepperhog

    Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut Jolokia F1

    very good lookin plant the purple really accents it well thanks for explaining all the f1-f8, have a better uderstanding of it now,.
  19. pepperhog

    overwintering Growing in the Winter?

    your plants look nice and your new set up looks good, if you were to keep em a bit longer they look like they need bigger pots, if all you want to do is get a few peppers then leave em be,