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  1. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    I bought my seeds on ebay. Never again :-)
  2. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Pepper joe replied to my email: Your pepper is in the Cayenne family. Looks exactly like the Pueblo pepper that I sold many years ago. It could also be a Japanese variety or a type of Thai Pepper. Enjoy, PJ
  3. Maiden


    No, but i have to try :) Theater or DVD ?
  4. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Cant wait to see the mature fruit :)
  5. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Someone on another forum think about carolina cayenne, thai super chili or serrano. What do you guys think ?
  6. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Growing, growing :-) I now have a total of 22 peppers growing on 7 plants.
  7. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Yes very puzzling ! The plants are 8 inches height maximum, with little leaves. Its perfect for indoor growing. If the taste is good and the mystery peppers hot enough, i will collect some seeds and grow them again for sure. Its kinda bonzaï pepper plants!
  8. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Thanks for your kind words :) Last night the flower is almost gone. The peppers grow very fast.. What you think guys? Jalapeño ?
  9. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Nice setup :) Your plants look very healthy ! Try to avoid misting the leaves of your sundew, this will help :) Good job !
  10. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    My first pepper growing!! After many tests, my pepper plants need to have a LOT of water all the time. If i let the soil dryout, all my flowers abort. When i add water every 2-3 days, the plant look stronger with wide open flowers and now i have peppers growing. I have to keep the soil...
  11. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    No problemo :) Most of neps needs indirect sun, full sun is too strong. So its really a try n learn thing. Look for 'sunburns' on the leaves. You will see, when they are happy, these lil guys become unkillable beasts !
  12. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Yes any insects are good. Its a very nice plant you got there:) For the t12, i dont know, probably. Have a try ! :-) I grow all my plants (pepper included) under T5 tubes.
  13. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Wow Maiden and Jb your carnivorous are incredible. Congratz   I like Nepenthes and Dionaea more than the others but I never been good with those. My Nepenthe is getting better but still far from what you've shown on that those few pages.   Keep on the good work I'm impressed.   Joker Oh, and if...
  14. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Thanks a bunch Joker :-) Now its time to try helis !! :-)
  15. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Boostdemon do you have a picture? What is the growing conditions ? I mean temps, RH%, Soil mix, watering routine n type of water, etc.
  16. Maiden

    Hello from Quebec

    Salut de Montréal :-)
  17. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    No heliamphora?? pffff :-)
  18. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    You can sow your cps at any time, in your indoor growing setup. Some species are very easy to germinate and they are fast growers like sundews or vfts. But species like heliamphora, cephalotus or nepenthes can be tricky to germinate. And it can take up to 5 years to have a mature plants from seeds.
  19. Maiden

    Bhut jolokia

    Thanks a lot for the detailled reply! For the temps night time drop, the only place i can grow them right now is next to my nepenthes setup, and these are highland plants. The nights temperatures HAVE to be under 20C, like 16C. Days are at 23-25C And i bought these plants 100$ each, i just cant...
  20. Maiden

    My carnivorous plants [Pictures heavy]

    Welcome to the cps virus club. You start to have a very nice collection :-) Very well grown. And like bvalente said, dont worry too much about these spots on the leaf. Its a old leaf saying byebye. I have some nepenthes here with spots on the leaves for years.