The third looks like a cayenne of some type and last one definitely looks like a bishops crown. The first one may be bond ma jaques but I'm not positive because I've had some of my yellow scorps have that shape sometimes.
Yeah, I understand Jesse. It was one of my thoughts as well. When I was debating this, I was thinking of having another blow off set up ready to go and pulling an Indiana Jones. Being this if my first try, I'm was unsure which would be the bigger risk to an "infection".
Yeah. I didn't want to open everything up to the air. The tube is inserted into the top of the airlock and held with tape for good measure. I also don't have any tubing that fits into the stopper and my three piece, which fits tubing i have, was in use on a brew.
You guys are making my...
Well I went with the blow off hose for now. Did that Thursday night. As for the aroma, I'm not sure how to describe it. Never smelled anything like it. Sweet yet funky? Maybe you guys can maybe describe a little what it should smell like.
Here is the set up currently with the rigged blow off...
Today I came home to a surprise. The brine got pushed up into the air lock.
SL, I did as you suggested and wiggled it. I help a little bit and got the brine to drop below the stopper. It looks to me that the mash itself stayed below the brine surface and just displaced it. should I be worried...
Hmm. I didn't even think about garlic being anti-microbial. I think I saw it in other posts of people adding it but I'm not sure. I'll have to look. I guess only time will tell now.
After reading a bit on here I decided to give it a shot at making a fermented hot sauce yesterday. Since I have a few beer growlers I decided to use one of the to do it in and have an air lock on top. I figured I would have better success doing this that the loose lid method on a mason jar. Plus...
I am looking to try making a fermented hot sauce and I was wonder what peoples thoughts were on on using 1/2 gal beer growlers to hold the mash? I know that it would have a narrow neck compared to canning jars but I wouldn't have to modify anything use an airlock.