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  1. GrumpyBear

    So what did you say your name was?

    y'know, i missed you guys...
  2. GrumpyBear

    What do you guys think of this watch?

    i think a lot of guys like to be stylish, but not that metrosexual kind of look just manly type style, and watches are the only really manly kind of accessory you guys have to work with. i'm generally dissappointed with women's watches, i can never find them with the subdials cuz they're always...
  3. GrumpyBear

    My Shameful Addiction

    when i was in high school there was a mcdonalds about three blocks away and almost every day a couple of us would walk down and i'd always get 'supersized' (back before that movie...) fries... i weighed 96 pounds, people who didn't know i ran 10 miles a day were usually very confused. i think i...
  4. GrumpyBear

    Its deader than

    i wasn't around so i don't know how dead it was, but i'll assume my return will breathe new life into the place...
  5. GrumpyBear

    Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

    i need to get a bigger pressure cooker...
  6. GrumpyBear

    Couriosity and the cat

    this thread makes me reminisce back to when i first started posting here and you all thought i was a dude... a dude who liked carebears...
  7. GrumpyBear

    My Pathetic set-up of which...

    soooooo cute, if they could only make pods this would be my favourite age :) you can put those lights even closer if you want. the lights give off so little heat you can hold onto them with your bare hand, the plants almost have to be touching to get burned. just put your hand at the highest...
  8. GrumpyBear

    for the record, i am not condoning this

    ...but bikini season isn't long after the's not easy being a girl...
  9. GrumpyBear

    for the record, i am not condoning this

    *sobs* it's true! stupid bridesmaids dress, why must you torture me so!?!
  10. GrumpyBear

    for the record, i am not condoning this

    ...but i thought of you guys when i read this: beerito
  11. GrumpyBear

    Anyone Else Like Fresh Boiled Crawfish?

    maybe i'll start with, like, one...if it's horrible then i'll assume they're just different here...
  12. GrumpyBear

    Strange Facts

    about 1 in 10000 people have a condition where all their organs are reversed/in mirrored image from their normal position (ie heart on right side, and so on...) i'm gonna cut all mine off at the end of april, it's like i'm starting to miss it and it's not even gone yet...
  13. GrumpyBear


    this is why i was so shocked to see what appeared as you so acurately mimicing our ways... you've clearly learned to blend in among us at least somewhat... i think the xmen call themselves homosuperior but i'm not sure that quite describes you ;)
  14. GrumpyBear

    Another flower thread

    these are gorgeous flowers, and the plants get *huge* so just be careful with any pruning you do cuz they are highly toxic and will very easily absorb into your skin.
  15. GrumpyBear

    HELP!!! I don't know what to grow!!!

    grow your own vanilla (it's an orchid, don't know if you count that as a flower...) or prickly pears (both of these might involve patience on your part, not sure how that'll go over...). have you tried fiddleheads? they're a little less time consuming.
  16. GrumpyBear

    Anyone Else Like Fresh Boiled Crawfish?

    are crawfish the same as crayfish? if so the creeks are lousy with 'em here, but i've never heard of anyone here eating them before. we use them for bait when we go fishing. maybe this summer i'll catch a few extra and try them out...
  17. GrumpyBear


    i thought you said you weren't shooting for any post count goals after 10k? just human nature i guess, so i guess that would imply you're actually human...
  18. GrumpyBear

    Valentines Day?

    awe, sounds like noones valentines went to plan... that's why i hate this stupid day, expectations get up there and there's nowhere to go but down. plus, i beleive it's a well documented fact that most women are crazy so adding that is just a recipe for disaster.
  19. GrumpyBear

    Cheating Wife

    when you die this is gonna show up on the big jumbo screen at the pearly gates and god's gonna be like "that, right there. that's why you're not getting in." how do i keep falling for this?
  20. GrumpyBear

    vote for kathleen!

    you're right, it really sounds horrible. i'll tell my friend to withdraw her application right away... it's a deal, many a photo will be posted if she wins :D actually i think one of the jobs duties is posting a video blog about life there, knowing my friend i imagine bikini's will feature...