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  1. LoadedCamera

    fermenting Pickle Pipe - Ferment venting

    Thanks for the feedback. In the beginning I plan on only doing one or two ferments just to learn what to do. I will take a look at the ones SmokenFire posted just for comparison.
  2. LoadedCamera

    fermenting Pickle Pipe - Ferment venting

    Has anybody seen these on the internet yet?   I am curious about how you pro's think it would work for fermenting peppers.  These look low maintenance and less likely to get knocked off accidently than the water tubes.   Here is a review of them...
  3. LoadedCamera

    Does it have a name?

    I make the same type of topping that you did.  Use jalapenos, habanero's, onion and garlic powder (all fresh dried) and have been calling it "Gunpowder" for a long time.   We use it on EVERYTHING!!!!  Try it on PopCorn and you'll love it!
  4. LoadedCamera

    misc Anti caking? Powders and spices

    I just received my free sample of Nu-Flow and found it to be an extremely fine powder that should work fantastic for it's purpose.  It is a natural rice husk that has been powdered and helps with any caking issues.  I'm using the following ratios based on recommendations of only using 1-3% of...
  5. LoadedCamera

    clump-free pepper powder?

    I love drying peppers and making powders out of them.  I use them in all my cooking and seasonings.    What I have found is that I dry the peppers initially, and powder them in the grinder.  I then place them back on the dehydrator for a few more hours to let them finish drying.  I turn the temp...
  6. LoadedCamera

    Good news for the Brazilian Starfish

    Looks like a plant to add to my next year patio garden.  Thanks for posting this!