I can't find a finite answer on vinegar ratio in this thread everything is vague and I really don't have a PH tester so I have to rely on cup measurements.
So This is my basic recipe and I am curious if I messed it up or will it be safe to store it:
8 Chocolate Moruga peppers
3 Cups of...
What are those brown patches on stems and leaves? Those on stems look like brown scars. I thought this is some kind of fungus so I sprayed my plants with sodium bicarbonate and soap and next time with peroxide. Its still there:
Yes I dropped out everything, I didn't even use perlite for my seedlings (i prefer to add it when plant grows in size)! So this time around I just had normal generic peat moss, the label says its good for germinating. But the light was the same, temperatures are a bit higher because its...
And why is it that my tomato recovered so well but my chilies just don't want to get bigger? Chilies are so stubborn, this isn't the first time they don't want to recover. If you screw them at the early stage they will just stay dwarves forever! Can someone confirm that their plants got better...
If you look at my previous thread http://thehotpepper.com/topic/54314-stunted-growth-and-curled-leaves-couple-of-theories/ you can see black leaves that me and you guys thought were the cause of too much light. My plants were stunted, most of them died, some of them are SLOWLY getting better but...
Are those lights only 5W? I have a 110 CFR light and it isn't enough, am I missing something here or are those LED lights more powerfull than CFR?
If you look at this chart http://www.designrecycleinc.com/led%20comp%20chart.html even 5W LED equalls to 13W of CFR lightm so I doubt this is...
Soil is good, I believe it is some kind of peat moss product, pretty standard for all kinds of vegetables. Those clay growing stones are mostly used in hydroponics but you could mix 1/4 in your soil for better drainage if you wish. Don't use too much if they are big.
I have the same problem as you do! I started in february and all my peppers look like yours, not just Reapers which I also grow. With the help of this sites kind users I came to a conclusion that the soil is the problem here! I used coco peat mixed with peat and vermiculite and there you go...
2 weeks max to achieve this you say? I will give it a try even if it is a bit late. Too bad I don't have any more boliwian rainbow seeds :/
I was thinking some more, is it possible that the problem is related to the transparent plastic cups? Or maybe the cups are just too deep, keeping the...
I am starting to get scared for my plants, they are still the same! Should I repot them with better soil? Or leave them to dry and repot when they get bigger? If I repot and clean the crappy soil, I will damage the roots and plants will be slowed down some more. But if I leave them alone they...
I was thinking, is it possible that my lightning screwed my plants and gave it too much tan? My plants were purple after all. Maybe because they had all this tan they couldn't absorb the real sunshine and that's why some leaves just fell off...
Should I remove vermiculite (retains water) in the future or add both vermiculite and perlite (drains water)? Or add only perlite? To me it sounds like using coco peat, adding only perlite is the better option.