Is there any general guide to pruning capsicum plants? What about topping plants when they're 8-12" tall? It's supposed to promote bushier growth?
When I first started my capsicum oddyssey a few years ago I came across this site on the net, which since seems to be offline but thankfully...
Ok, I think I can manage that.
There are spots inside where I can put them to get just morning or late afternoon sun, is that worth doing as well?
My dad reckons I should leave them out overnight when it's going to be warm and still; unfortunately the rest of the week weather forecast isn't...
Hmm, this is going to be difficult as I work full-time during the day, leaving at 9am and getting back 6pm. The weather can also be very changeable so in any given 5 day period there might only be 2 days I can put them outside with confidence in terms of wind / rain / cold / sun.
Any suggestions?
This is my first proper attempt at growing capsicums and I'm wondering why they keep wilting when exposed to direct sunlight.
I live in New Zealand, so started my peppers inside at the start of August. It's now been 2 months on growing inside and the tallest plants are up to 9", the smallest...