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  1. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    Hahaha! just growing peppers here! :P Hmmm.. so once they start to bloom on their own I start to switch to my blooming nutrient regiment? Along with a 12/12 high pressure sodium lighting? Thanks for the info! You guys are awesome!
  2. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    Alright, I might try a little bone meal. I haven't put them on their "bloom" cycle yet. I want them to get fairly big before they start producing. How big should I let them get before I start this?
  3. Orangello

    indoor Growing Indoors?

    I mainly just took bits and pieces of articles online and made my own system. It only cost about $25-30 to build (minus the nutrients). I used genHydro FloraNova series nutrients for my first DWC because it's pH balanced and you don't really have to worry about it. You should check out these...
  4. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    I'm also growing pinot noir, numex big jim, thai chili, trinidad moruga, bhut jolokia, and cayennes
  5. Orangello

    seeds which of your peppers had the Fastest/slowest germination rates?

    I've got some 15th generation cayenne seeds that germinated in 3 days
  6. Orangello

    pests Aphids! Arrrrg!

    Spray them with soapy water. Dawn dish soap works good!
  7. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    alright i'll give the bone meal a try. What exactly does it do? will it throw off my pH? Do I put it in my water or directly on my soil? thanks!
  8. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    Thanks! I give them CaMag to fight it. It may be because I use distilled water... like i said, I'm new to all of this so i'm trying to soak up as much information about growing as i can. does this seem like a normal growth rate?
  9. Orangello

    indoor Growing Indoors?

    Ever thought of hydroponics indoors? I have all my peppers indoors in a grow tent. (currently no hydroponics) I did have hydro jalapenos and they were AMAZING! A deep water culture system is easy and cheap to build/ maintain. I use a 400 watt mh/hps light along with blue/red led's and a t5 lamp...
  10. Orangello

    New Grower (trinidad scorpion butch t)

    Hi! I'm new to this forum and pepper growing. I'm currently growing 2 trinidad scorpion butch t's. One is in a 3 gallon smart pot and the other in a 5. I grew them from seed under a 4' four bulb t5 in a humidity dome. The plants are in a 4'x4' grow tent under a 400 watt mh/hps (vented cool...