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  1. WxTony

    WxTony 2014 Glog; Let's do this!

    It has been a week or so since my last update, so I figured I would share some progress. First I added a 2x4' T8 light that should hopefully be enough to get these little guys going.   Germination rates, as of Jan 25 are: 0/2 Jalapeño    1/3 Datli    2/3 Antilles  Fire    2/3 Peach Hab    2/2 W...
  2. WxTony

    favorite What is your favorite pepper in terms of taste (doesn't need to be super hot)?

    Datil, Peach Hab., and Bishop's Hat; I think are my top three right now. 
  3. WxTony

    WxTony 2014 Glog; Let's do this!

    I had an 18 inch T8 florescent light that wasn't being used and so I put it in a box with tin foil. Then placed the plants in them to help. Hope this works better than the other light.   
  4. WxTony

    WxTony 2014 Glog; Let's do this!

    I figured I should start one of these. Since I keep detailed notes, might as well keep them on here too. A big thanks go Judy for giving me a big box o'peppers to eat and save some seeds from.    This year I am planning on growing: Jalapeño  Cayenne  Bishop's Crown  Datil Fatalii MOA Scotch...
  5. WxTony

    seeds Planted seeds, but a few questions

    I planted most of the seeds for next years grow (except a few I am going to get from AjiJoe) in Jiffy pots and put them near a south facing window. I have a few questions; how long should I wait before I give up on germination for a seed? Most of the seeds are C. Chinense. I noticed some say...
  6. WxTony

    More fiery beer......

    Those sound so yummy. When I was in Boulder, Co for a summer a brewery there had a few hot beers. They were really good. One is a ghost pepper beer called Ghost Faced Killah and the other is called Billy's Chilies. I do not know if they sell outside of Colorado, but it is worth trying to find...
  7. WxTony

    Nigel's AMAZING Reviews

    As a newer pepper grower, I have to agree with everyone else. Nigel's reviews helped me figure out exactly that peppers I wanted to try or grow next year. 
  8. WxTony

    More Pods 4 Fun

    Peach Bhut Jolokia and Moruga Scorpion Yellow. Thanks for these fun games.
  9. WxTony

    smileys noob/recruitment give away ~ Closed ~

    I would love to have some seeds if you still have a spot. 
  10. WxTony

    food Yesterday's tailgating food

    Tailgated before the TTU-OSU game yesterday. It was a fun day packed with lots of food. I made poppers with jalapenos and habaneros. Everyone loved them as they were disappearing as soon as I took them off the grill. Smoked some beef ribs with a dry rub, but added a pinch of peach Bhut powder to...
  11. WxTony

    Hope you watch college football contest

    Good luck everyone. 1.  Purdue (Alum, I have to) 2. N. Illinois 3. Wisconsin 4. South Carolina 5. Clemson 6. Michigan 7. Notre Dame 8. Arkansas 9. Tennessee 10. Texas Tech  11. UCLA 12. Florida State 13. Texas A&M 14. Fresno State 
  12. WxTony

    dehydrators Making a simple dehydrator adjustable

    You would have to make sure the current supplying the fan and heating element were on separate circuits. If they are separate, then you could splice in a potentiometer to control the heating element. Not as simple as an inline dimmer, since it requires opening up the dehydrator, but that won't...
  13. WxTony

    free Free MoA Scotch Bonnet Seeds... CLOSED

    Count me in! I was told these are a must grow.
  14. WxTony

    Looking for suggestions to grow next year.

    Awesome, thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely look into the MoA Scotch Bonnet. 
  15. WxTony

    Looking for suggestions to grow next year.

    I have worked my way through most of a box of assorted peppers from Judy at pepperlover (over 13 different varieties). I have learned so much tasting, smelling, and suffering  :onfire:   through these yummy peppers. It is safer to save seeds or should I order them to make sure that they did not...
  16. WxTony


    So I had this pepper tonight and it was wonderful. Not to spicy, but really fruity. I am thinking this is a datail, but I am not 100%, could be a fatalii. This is a must grow for me next year as it was great.  
  17. WxTony

    Red bhut or fatalii

    Awesome thanks! How small do they get? Fataliis are smaller and flatter?
  18. WxTony

    Red bhut or fatalii

    Still sorting through a bunch of peppers I got and I am finding it hard to tell the difference between several of my red pods. Let me know what you think. Thanks  
  19. WxTony

    Hey from West Texas

    All I have tried so far are way way hotter than a Serrano Lol. I have a few pics of some peppers in the pepper Id section.
  20. WxTony

    Hey from West Texas

    Thanks Joe,    This year the hottest thing I grew was serrano. I have been working on my tolerance level, I ordered a mixed box from Judy at pepperlover and I am working through that box now. Hardest part is trying to figure out what kind of peppers they are besides the heat, lol. I think I have...