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  1. E

    new guy with ?

    thanks for the replys. i asked because i started some seeds last night and i thought i ordered bhut jolokia from two different sources and one of em sent me bhut naga. and the difference in the seeds is obvious by color.the seeds labeled bhut jolokia had a red or pink around the outside of em...
  2. E

    new guy with ?

    hey folks, im new here and recently got hooked on hot pepper growing. im addicted,anyhow. is the bhut jolokia and bhut naga the same?
  3. E

    hello from michigan

    hello, my name is erik and i just got started in peppers and can not seem to get enough! it all started with these plants i picked up at a flea market for one dollar.they are 1 super chlli,1 of some type of habenero and 1 of some sort of thai pepper.thai hot i think.