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  1. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    Thank you for the thorough response!
  2. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    Question answered by seed seller, “We talked with Sherwood and he said that this hybrid is still in it's earlier generations and is not entirely stable yet. It's normal for some of the fruits to not be entirely UFO shaped. If you save the seeds from the fruits that are UFO shaped and plant next...
  3. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    The walls of both fruit are the same thickness - about 1/32”
  4. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    I’ll check…
  5. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    Here is a picture of the plant with both types of fruit:
  6. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    The fruit from these plants all have the same heat level and type - much warmer than a pasilla. I also have one plant (planted from same seeds) that has fruit of both shapes. Any ideas? Even my seed seller is having to research this. Thanks!
  7. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    I should have done that with the initial post. Here they are: (2 more images, but they’re too large - will resize)
  8. C

    pod Shape of Purple UFO peppers

    Hi all! This year I planted 6 Purple UFO pepper plants from seeds. They are doing great - in the ground, ~2’ high, lots of early purple pods. However, on half of the plants the pods are shaped traditionally (like a UFO), on other plants the fruit looks like a purple jalapeño, and on one plant...
  9. C


    I’m a new hot pepper grower (hot and super hot), with questions!