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  1. M

    Are these Butch T peppers?

    Thanks, I posted the urls onto the image loader, wasn't sure if anyone would be able to see the images, can you just post them directly into the message box so they just show up?...whatever makes it easier ya know. Kinda bummed the peppers didn't turn out how I'd hoped. I also have some Nagas...
  2. M

    Are these Butch T peppers?

    Got the seeds from Pepper, they don't look like scorpions to me, what do you think? This is my first year growing peppers by the way. I love it!
  3. M

    water using lake water to water pepper plants

    The garden hose filter sounds like a good idea, I checked them out and some of them remove most of the chlorine and chloramine and other bs in the tap water, If we could just get some RAIN!!!! arrrgghhh!!...thanks for all the input so far :)
  4. M

    water using lake water to water pepper plants

    The lake isn't polluted as far as I know, It's out in the boonies, the tap water here has a chemical called chloramine among other things that apparently doesn't just evaporate out of the water by leaving it sit.
  5. M

    water using lake water to water pepper plants

    Hello, I'm new to the forum and this is my first year growing peppers. I've been having trouble with not having enough chemical free water, tap water here is really chlorinated and there has been very little rain to collect, filtering is just to time consuming and I have a lot of plants to...