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  1. Saxon Squire

    Hydro Question

    Here is week 7 And close up of the blooms on the Bhut's The black tape can give you a referance point on the growth :onfire:
  2. Saxon Squire

    Hydro Question

    Here are the first pics: Day one Two weeks Four Weeks Same plants outside at 4 weeks Look for week 7 photos latter this week
  3. Saxon Squire

    Hydro Question

    I did not start them from seeds. I ordered the plants mail order from the link in my earlier post. I'm still trying to get the pics posted. Also, since I can grow hydro year round, I wanted to know if any one has cloned plants instead of starting from seeds.
  4. Saxon Squire

    Hydro Question

    You are correct, I bought this system from a company that caters to the "Hemp" market. I will post some pics soon. I bought the plants from here: The same plants planted out doors are struggling but the hydros are going insane. Here is the system I bought...
  5. Saxon Squire

    Hydro Question

    This is my first year growing hydroponic. My system came with a mix of grow nutrients and bloom nutrients. The directions state use all the grow with full light and the switch to bloom with the lights on the timer. Here is my question, I still have 6 weeks of grow left but my plants are all...