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  1. talksnmaths

    No clue what this guy is...

    I got this pepper from my parents-in-law who got it from someone who said it was a Scotch Bonnet.  I've never seen one look like this.  Looks more like a Trinidad Scorpion, but really fleshy.  Side-by-side with a Hab and a Jolokia that I was cutting up at the same time, it didn't smell...
  2. talksnmaths

    pod Supposed to be golden habanero...

    Well, despite my doubting, it was definitely an orange habanero.  Those pods that you see there thickened up a bit as they grew.  The later developing pods were less elongated and pointy.  The pods turned their characteristic orange when ripe.  And when cutting one open and smelling, they had...
  3. talksnmaths

    Pepper ID, please!

    Definitely Capsicum frutescens.  The pods look too large to be a tabasco, but trying to determine which frutescens you've got is probably a lost cause.  There are a lot of varieties with pods that look similar to that starting out yellow/green and ripening to red.
  4. talksnmaths

    Pepper ID needed

    Agreed.  Looks like a Trinidad Bean to me.
  5. talksnmaths

    Pepper ID, please!

    Kinda looks like a Capsicum frutescens species the way the smaller peppers point towards the sky.  It's difficult to tell w/o seeing a close up of a flower and some of the fruit.  Maybe a tabasco?  Cut one of the peppers open.  Is it really juicy?
  6. talksnmaths

    pod Supposed to be golden habanero...

    I've been doing some research, and interestingly enough it appears that identification of a capsicum species by pod appearance is not possible.  The only means of identification is by the flowers they produce.  Since this plant does not have any spots on its flowers, and it is producing 2 or...
  7. talksnmaths

    pod Supposed to be golden habanero...

    I'm anxious to see what color they turn when they ripen.  I'll repost when they do. It's been a finicky plant to be sure, it's flowered far more prolifically than any of my other chillis, but it was dropping it's flowers for a long time before any pods finally took.  Now, it's pollinating very...
  8. talksnmaths

    pod Supposed to be golden habanero...

    What about the plant makes you believe that it's an Annuum?  I'm not doubting you, I would just like to know for my own education. Well, I have it growing right next to a Bhut Jalokia, but from my understand, cross pollination would only affect any plants grown from the resultant seeds.
  9. talksnmaths

    pod Supposed to be golden habanero...

    This was supposed to be a golden habanero plant, but from the pod shape, it doesn't seem like that's the case.  I have no clue what I'm dealing with.  